林麗江Lin, Li-Chiang江采蘋Jiang, Tsai-Pin2020-12-142020-09-152020-12-142020http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060667005T%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/111359現藏於日本滋賀縣彥根城博物館的《四季山水圖》為一套元末明初繪製的四幅對,內容結合了四季景緻與四位故事人物。其實明代尚有其他掛軸作品似乎具有這種特徵,但這些作品過去未被視為一種獨特類型的繪畫。本文將以彥根城博物館《四季山水圖》作為基準,發掘「四季故事人物圖」此類型繪畫的存在,嘗試找出過去不為人注意的四季故事人物圖,並重建其發展歷程。 論文首先探討彥根城博物館《四季山水圖》,確認其帶有宋元風格,內容描繪了象徵隱逸的歷史人物,且曾為室町和江戶幕府收藏,具有上承宋元,下接明代的特殊意義。為釐清四季故事人物圖的形成與特徵,本文回顧了四季山水、四季花鳥等具有四季特徵的圖繪,建立四季圖繪的脈絡,由此推測四季故事人物圖的作法始於宋代。 現存的四季故事人物圖多已經被拆散,且收藏在世界各地,不過由於作品原先為四幅對,存在著一些相互呼應的關係,故仍有可能根據某特徵再次被配對。四季故事人物圖在明代曾經風行一時,觀者留下了不少題畫詩,而此類圖像亦流傳至日本,影響到狩野派。藉由現有圖文的佐證,可找到一批可能為四季故事人物圖的作品。這批作品多出自明代宮廷或浙派畫家,有著成套觀賞的可能性。重建四季故事人物圖,為解讀浙派與明代宮廷繪畫提供了一種新的角度。“Landscapes of the Four Seasons”, collected by the Hikone Castle Museum in Shiga Prefecture, Japan, is a set of paired hanging scroll consists of the scenery of four seasons and four historical figures. There are other hanging scroll works in the Ming Dynasty with similar characteristics, but such these paintings were not considered as a unique genre in the past. Taking the “Landscapes of the Four Seasons” in the Hikone Castle Museum as a model, this thesis tries to uncover the existence of historical figure paintings of the four seasons and trace back its development. The thesis starts with the“Landscapes of the Four Seasons” in the Hikone Castle Museum, which was once the collection of Muromachi and Edo Shoguns. The painting was influenced by the style of Song and Yuan Dynasties and implied the value of seclusion. In order to clarify the formation and characteristics of historical figure paintings of the four seasons, this thesis reviews paintings with the elements of four seasons, including landscapes of the four seasons, flowers and birds of the four seasons, etc. In the historical context of four seasons painting, the creation of historical figure paintings of the four seasons is supposed to have started in the Song Dynasty. Many historical figure paintings of the four seasons survived today are scattered around the world, but it is still possible to spot and group them once again according to certain traits. Historical figure paintings were popular in the Ming Dynasty, referred by many poets and copied by the Kano school in Japan. We can find a number of works that may be historical figure paintings of the four seasons, and most of them turn out to be originated from the Zhe School and the Ming court. The thesis not only proposes a new way of looking at paintings, but also provides another perspective to interpret the Zhe School and the Ming court paintings.四季故事人物圖四季山水浙派明代宮廷對幅historical figure paintings of the four seasonslandscapes of the four seasonsZhe SchoolMing courtpaired painting從彥根城藏《四季山水圖》看明代四季故事人物圖之發展The Study of “Landscapes of the Four Seasons” painting in the Hikone Castle Museum Collection: Unfolding the Development of Historical Figure Paintings of the Four Seasons in the Ming Dynasty