李基常韓豐年2019-09-042003-07-012019-09-042002http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22N2003000003%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/99327科技與資訊的發展造成產業技術快速變遷,傳統的思維與管理模式已經不再適合現今快速多變的產業結構與範疇,唯有經由不斷的學習,方能累積企業的核心能力,應付外在環境的衝擊。印刷企業大都屬於本土型中、小型企業,組織學習的概念對企業經營者而言,模糊而不易理解,唯有技術學習才能引導產業吸收新的知識、技術與設備,建立本身的技術能力與競爭優勢。 本研究探討技術學習的諸多面向與內涵,歸納出技術學習過程的運作概念模式,為了驗證技術學習對企業的重要性,提出技術學習是組織文化影響公司績效表現的中介變項的研究模式,將技術學習視為解釋及說明公司績效表現的重要預測因素。 本研究以台灣區印刷公會的會員做為實證研究的對象,有效分析樣本廠商共有128家,採用t檢定、多變量分析,迴歸分析及LISREL分析等統計方法來進行資料分析並驗證本研究所提出的各項假設。 本研究主要的發現為:1.技術學習的三階段過程理論模式獲得支持,技術導入、技術專屬化與技術累積的技術學習過程中存有方向與順序的因果關係;2.組織文化對技術學習有正向的影響,主要是「市場文化」、「專案文化」兩變項與技術學習的三個階段產生交互作用;3.組織文化、技術學習與績效表現三者之間有因果關係存在,組織文化能夠直接影響公司績效表現,也可透過技術學習而影響公司績效表現,組織文化的間接影響公司績效表現的效果遠高於直接影響效果,因此本研究的研究架構模式獲得確認,技術學習具有部分中介效果;4.影響公司內在績效表現的主要變項為組織文化的「專案文化」與技術學習的「技術累積」過程;5.影響公司衍生績效表現的主要變項為組織文化的「派閥文化」、「專案文化」與技術學習的「技術累積」過程。The purpose of this study was to explore the multi-domains and contents of technological learning (TL) and to testify to the importance of TL for a company; furthermore, to present the evidence that learning itself is a Mediating Variable between organization culture and the performance of a company. The sample of this study has 128 selected companies of Printing Industry in Taiwan R.O.C. Many quantitative methods, including t-test, MANOVA, regression analysis, and LISREL analysis, are used to test the presented hypothesis of the research. The main conclusion of the study is as following: 1. The theoretic model in TL that is divided into three stages that are The Induction, Attribute, and Accumulation, was supported after research. The Induction, Attribute, and Accumulation corroborates in correlation of dimension and sequence in TL. 2. The organizational culture has a positive influence, mainly located on the interaction among market culture and adhocracy culture respectively towards three stages of TL in a company. 3. There is correlation among organizational culture, TL, and performance, and the organizational culture will directly or indirectly affect performance through TL. The latter caused much more effect than the former, so the evidence, which TL played the mediating variables, has been completely supported and the research structure was simultaneously confirmed. 4. The main variables affecting endogenous performance of a company are “adhocracy culture” in organizational culture and “accumulation” processes in TL stages. 5. The main variables affecting exogenous performance accountability are “clan culture” and “adhocracy culture” in organizational culture and “accumulation” processes in TL stages.印刷企業技術學習組織文化績效表現printing Industrytechnological learningorganizational cultureperformance印刷企業技術學習、組織文化與績效表現之研究A Study of Technological Learning,Organizational Culture and Performance in the Taiwan Printing Industries