國立臺灣師範大學圖書資訊學研究所程良雄黃世雄吳美美林勤敏 2015-07-032015-07-031999-07-011019-6064http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/73371圖書館是為使用者而存在,圖書館應了解使用者期望需求及實際上所獲得的服務,進而滿足使用者對服務的期望。本研究針對臺灣地區各縣市文化中心圖書館及鄉鎮圖書館之成人使用者與12歲以下兒童使用者進行調查,探討城鄉之間、圖書館類型之使用者資訊需求、資訊尋求行為及對圖書館的態度等,以改進圖書館服務,並希望藉此建立相關調查模式、問卷及分析方法,提供其他圖書館作為調查分析之參考。This study seeks to identify the information needs and information-seeking behavior of adult and children users of public library in Taiwan area. It is also intended to establish a pattern of investigating, designing questionnaires and analyzing methods from the findings, and to provide the reference for the individual library that intends to conduct the same investigation. The total number of 730 users including adults and children under the age of 12 were completed surveys and assessed in this study. The major concerns are information needs, information-seeking behavior, users' attitude toward library, and the differences between the urban and the rural area.公共圖書館公共圖書館讀者資訊需求資訊尋求行為Public libraryPublic library userInformation needsInformation seeking behavior「公共圖書館讀者資訊需求與資訊尋求行為之研究」摘要報告A Study of Information Needs and Information-Seeking Behavior of Public Library UsersA Summary