李瑛Lee, Ying王秋琪Wang, Chiou-Chi2022-06-082026-01-012022-06-082022https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/b9e769a6fcc5c37bb1d66ced25efbcfd/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/117195法國「永續教育」(l'éducation permanente)理念的確立可追溯至法國大革命時期的啟蒙運動,其中M. de Condorcet(1743-1794,以下簡稱Condorcet)於1792年4月20、21日提出的《公共教育組織法規提案暨報告書》(Rapport et projet de décret sur l'organisation générale de l'instruction publique,以下簡稱《公共教育報告書》)明確闡述「永續教育」的基本概念,不僅為法國公民教育、職業教育及民眾教育的發展樹立參考典範,亦透過國際組織重要人士的宣傳將「永續教育」相關理念傳播至世界各地。尤其,法國第五共和政府於1971年7月16日制定以「永續教育」為架構的職業繼續教育制度,此制度是否呼應Condorcet的教育理念?法國政府後續所提出的職業繼續教育立法理念與Condorcet的公共教育論述是否具有異同之處?值得深入研究。 職是之故,本研究採取「文獻分析法」、「歷史研究法」及「比較分析法」等研究方法,以「Condorcet公共教育論述」與「法國第五共和職業繼續教育重要法案立法理念」作為對話的主題,透過法國當地第一手原文資料的蒐集與分析,一方面闡述Condorcet公共教育論述的內涵;另一方面分析法國第五共和職業繼續教育制度之立法理念、政策內涵及整體特色;最後,探討兩者之間的相似性及差異性。本研究結論如下:(1) Condorcet的公共教育論述主要立基於啟蒙哲學思想,強調公共教育的建立,旨在培養理性判斷能力及傳授知識,並以「個人發展」作為基礎,開展出「理性」、「科學」、「自由」、「平等」四項公共教育核心理念,試圖協助全民擺脫依賴他人的奴役狀態,促使個體在個人生活、職業生涯及公共事務上都能成為獨立自主的理性公民;Condorcet的公共教育實施原則計十項,包括「全民原則」、「平等原則」、「區別原則」、「完整原則」、「世俗化原則」、「分級教學原則」、「免費教育原則」、「獨立性原則」、「自由競爭原則」、「國家責任原則」;四項教學原則為「學習者需求導向」、「多元學習方法」、「理論與實務的兼顧」、「學者協會的協助」;公共教育應發揮培養理性公民的「政治功能」、促進職業技藝與科學發展的「經濟功能」、協助全民適應社會變遷並促進社會正義的「社會功能」、協助知識進化與促進人類文明發展的「文化功能」;職業教育方面,Condorcet提出四項教育理念:職業教育是理論與實務的結合、人力資本與研究創新的重視、知識的共享與集體性建構、強調學者協會的重要性;(2) 法國第五共和職業繼續教育的立法理念如下:以「個人」為基礎的機會平等原則、歷經「社會晉升」及「永續職業教育」至「終身職業教育」理念的演變、以「國家義務」及「責任共享」作為主要立法精神、導入「自由競爭」的教育市場理念等;(3) Condorcet公共教育論述與法國第五共和職業繼續教育立法理念具有九項相似觀點,包括:以「永續」或「終身」的生命全程概念規劃教育制度、強調國家辦理職業教育的義務、以「個人」為基礎的學習方式、重視機會平等理念、主張公私立教育機構的自由競爭、提供多元化學習方法、兼顧理論知識與實務經驗、重視教育與就業的關係、採用知能分級的模式;兩者理念具有五項差異性,包括:職業團體的介入與否、雇主的參與責任、「市場供需法則」是否能成為制度的管理準則、以「學科」或「能力模組」作為學習內容的分類標準、對研發創新能力的重視程度。The French idea of “permanent education” was confirmed by the Enlightenment during the period of French Revolution. In April 20 and 21 1792, M. de Condorcet (1743-1794) presented a project for the reformation of the education system. This report of project not only clarified the basic concepts of “permanent education”, but also became a blueprint for civic education, vocational education and popular education in France. Furthermore, some important figures in international organizations advocated the idea of “permanent education” around the world. Above all, in July 16 1971, the French Fifth Republic government established the continuing vocational education system whose framework was based on the idea of “permanent education”. Did the system really refer to Condorcet's educational ideas? Did it exist similarities or differences between the legislative concepts proposed later by French government regarding this continuing vocational education system and Condorcet’s public instruction ideas? For the above reasons, this study aimed to explore the relevance between Condorcet's public instruction discourse and legislative concepts of continuing vocational education under the French Fifth Republic. By collecting first-hand documents in France, the investigatoradopted document analysis, historical research and comparative analysis as the qualitative research methods. The study firstly investigated Condorcet's public instruction discourse, and secondly explored the French Fifth Republic's continuing vocational education system including legislative ideas, related policies and characteristics. Finally, it investigated similarities or differences between them. The investigator presented the results as follows: (1) Condorcet's public instruction discourse was mainly based on the Enlightenment thoughts, focusing on developing rational thinking and imparting knowledge. He regarded individual development as starting point and therefore presented four core values including “reason”, “science”, “freedom” and “equality” in order to make everyone to be an independent and autonomous person. Condorcet proposed ten principles of public instruction, such as education for all, equal opportunity, differentiated principle, independence principle, free education, graduality, secularization, national responsibility, encyclopedic knowledge, free competition. He also advocated four teaching principles, including learner-based teaching, diversified learning methods, integration of theory and practice, participation of scholars’ association. For him, public instruction should play an important role to improve political, economic, social and cultural development. Regarding vocational education, Condorcet proposed four ideas, i.e., theory-practice combined vocational education, importance of human capital and innovation, sharing and collective construction of knowledge, importance of scholars’ association. (2) The French fifth republic's continuing vocational education legislative ideas included person-based equal opportunity, evolution of ideas from “social promotion”, “permanent education” to “lifelong learning”, “national obligation”, “responsibility sharing” and introduction of free competitive education market concept. (3) There were nine similarities between Condorcet's public instruction discourse and legislative concepts of continuing vocational education under the French Fifth Republic: planning education system as a“lifelong process”, focusing on the importance of national obligation to establish vocational education system, presenting person-based learning methods, attaching importance to equal opportunity, advocating free competition between public and private establishments , providing diverse learning methods, taking into account theoretical knowledge and practical experience, focusing on the relation between education and work, adopting knowledge and competence gradual model. Five differences existed between their ideas, including the intervention or not of professional groups, the participation or not of employers, “market law of supply and demand” as system regulation principle or not, “discipline” or “competence module” as classification criteria of learning content, the extent of importance attaching to research/development and innovation capability.公共教育法國職業繼續教育制度社會晉升永續教育終身學習public instructionFrench continuing vocational education systemsocial promotionpermanent educationlifelong learningM. de Condorcet公共教育論述與法國第五共和職業繼續教育立法理念(1958-2018)的對話The Dialogue between M. de Condorcet's Public Instruction Discourse and Legislative Concepts of Continuing Vocational Education under the French Fifth Republic(1958-2018)學術論文