鄧毓浩趙彩杏2019-08-282011-8-292019-08-282011http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0593101012%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/85573本研究旨在探討2001年高中入學考試制度變革後公民試題的發展方向及其對教師的影響,採用文件分析法與深度訪談法。研究結果發現公民試題的特色,在題型上以單題為主,題組與整合題具有跨科及整合精神,附圖題與附表題明顯增加,題幹字數增加;在命題取材上各主題分佈極不平均,明顯偏重政治、法律與經濟生活;在認知層次上以理解題為主;在難度上,多數試題屬中間偏易,九年一貫課程實施後試題更趨簡單;在鑑別度上,試題有良好的鑑別力。 此一試題發展方向確實影響到國中公民教師的教學與評量。在評量上,教師完全仿照入學考試的題型;因應題型發展,教師在教學與評量上,進行社會領域的跨科整合並增加圖表的使用量。命題取材的偏頗,使得教師調整教學時數,不利公民教育的完整性。試題重理解,使得教師在教學上更重視理解,強調生活實例的引用、活動參與與問答等,評量的命題則重理解輕記憶。此外,教師認為閱讀已是公民應試的重要能力之一。 . 最後,針對未來高中入學的公民命題及國中公民教師提出相關建議,並提供後續研究的方向。The purpose of this research is to discuss the development of the basic competence Civics test for junior high school students from year 2001, and understand the directions and developments of the test questions after the junior high school entrance exam system changed and the influences to teachers. In order to be effective and understand this development of test questions deeply, this research adopt the qualitative method, mainly using document analytic method and in-depth interview method. According to the results of this research, it discovered the features of this test mainly on single-multiple choice question type, set-question type appears to be integrative type, and the graphical and attached-table questions increase substantially. The test questions are increasing on the number of the words and the materials gathering are weighed more on fields of politics, laws, economical life. The test questions mainly comprehend on the levels of cognition. The level of difficulty on the test questions appear mid to easy. After the execution of Grade 1-9 Curriculum, the level of difficulty on Civics test questions became easier, and the level of differentiation of the test questions is shown the excellent differentiation. The developments of Civics test questions to the influences of Civics teachers the ways they teach and the methods of their evaluations. The teachers evaluate their students by imitating the test question type of the basic competence Civics test for junior high school students. Because of this reason, the teachers incorporate the materials on the heavy portions of graphical and attached-table questions in sociology. Since the teachers will increase and the teaching hours on portions of those test questions and focus on the materials of test questions, these will cause the reduction of other Civics materials which are not shown on the exams and lack of completion of Civics education. Since the test questions focus on their comprehension, the teachers will weigh the comprehension more in their teaching, and emphasize the real examples from life experiences, activities participations of Q& A etc. The test questions will focus on comprehension and less on memorizing but understanding. Moreover, teachers thought the reading competence is one of the competences of taking Civics exams. Finally, this research give some suggestions to the directions of test questions and Civic teachers, and also provide continuous research afterwards.高中入學考試基本學力測驗公民試題The high school entrance examThe basic competence test for junior high school studentstest question of Civics2001年至2009年高中入學考試公民試題之研究The research of the basic competence Civics test for junior high school students from year of 2001 to year of 2009