曾金金張沛榛2019-08-282013-8-42019-08-282013http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0698800115%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/86544本論文欲探討日籍學習者在單詞和句首、句中、句末等不同語境之下發同一個雙音節詞時的聲調偏誤情形,以了解日籍學生華語聲調之難點和問題。研究方法採用實驗語音的方式,針對華語16種聲調組合,選出18個雙音節名詞(配合語義和句子內3個位置的排列組合而增加2個連調組),並使用同樣的句構「甲旁邊有乙和丙」,測試日籍學生同一個詞在單發時及分別在句子的首(甲)、中(乙)、末(丙)等位置所發的聲調。結果分析的部分則結合了量化、質化方式與聲學語圖以探討受試者的偏誤表現。 實驗結果顯示,受試者具有以自身習慣的機制來發音之傾向,因此各雙音節連調組不論在單詞、句首、句中、句末多有類似的偏誤表現。不同的審聽結果主要來自雙音節連調組前後音節的音高造成審聽人的偏誤判斷而產生差異。由此可知,日籍學習者所產生的聲調偏誤與出現的語境為單詞或句子,及位於句子的哪個位置並沒有絕對的關係。 整體而言,受試者主要的偏誤集中於3聲在前及3聲在後的雙音節連調組,且均為發成2聲的偏誤。主要是因為受試者仍將單音節的概念套用於雙音節的發音上,即3聲不論位於前音節或後音節,受試者均有將其發為全上聲的傾向,但又掌握不好全上的發音,聽感便與2聲十分相似。 此外,不分單詞或句子等語境,3聲+2聲的「網球」為多數日籍學習者的難點,且多發為2聲+3聲的組合。再者,受試者遇到難以掌握的雙音節連調組時,有將該詞組的前音節或後音節以1聲或4聲取代的現象。由於1聲為日籍學生掌握得最好的聲調,因此在其他聲調發音上遇到困難時,便會將其發為陰平調。且受試者基於日語詞彙在前音節重讀的習慣,加上日語音讀的影響,會將部分前音節發為下降調,便形成了以4聲替代詞彙前音節的聲調偏誤。This dissertation aims to investigate the phonetic errors made by Japanese native students in pronouncing the same two-syllabic words in different contexts – namely in stand-alone contexts, the beginning, the middle and the end of sentences. Based on the 16 possible tone-combinations of two-syllabic words in Mandarin, 18 two-syllabic words are used to inspect the tone errors made by 11 Japanese native students when learning Mandarin. The subjects have to answer a questionnaire, followed by a reading test consisting of the 18 words in the 4 above-mentioned contexts. The results show that the subjects tend to pronounce the words according to their own habitual phonetic systems, therefore the errors displayed in the 4 contexts tend to be similar for each tone-combination. The phonetic errors thus are not relative to whether the two-syllabic words are stand-alone words, or appear in the beginning, the middle or at the end of sentences. Generally, phonetic errors occur most commonly when there are third tones in two-syllabic words, both when the first or the second syllable is a third-tone. In either situation, the subjects tend to pronounce the third tones as second tones as they tend to pronounce two-syllabic words the same way as mono-syllabic words. Furthermore, in all the 4 contexts, the combination of “3rd+2nd tone” words seems to be the one which the subjects have the most difficulties with. The subjects also tend to substitute either syllable with 1st or 4th tones whenever they encounter problems in pronouncing any kind of tone combinations. Using these findings, this dissertation proposes recommendations to improve upon the learning and teaching of Mandarin pronunciation to Japanese students.日籍學習者中介語華語聲調音高實驗語音Janpanese nativesinterlanguage phonologyMandarin tonespitchacoustic phonetics華語雙音節連調組之偏誤探討 -以日籍學習者為研究對象An Analysis of Tone Errors Made by Japanese Learners of Mandarin in Disyllabic Words