高美華Kao, Mei-hua2014-10-272014-10-272012-12-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/14698李漁是同時兼有詞之創作與理論的作家,其詞集名《耐歌詞》,《窺詞管見》二十二則是他對詞的見解。他提出「一氣如話」為作詞的「四字金丹」,並加以實踐。其詞展現了:以調名為題的敘事內涵、不同語氣的敘事特質、代言表述的敘事拓展、情節曲折的敘事現象等特色,開拓了詞的敘事性。加上他詞集中大量的聯章詞作,在詞的敘事性發展中,前有所承,後有所創,李漁《耐歌詞》足以在詞的敘事史上佔有一席之地。This text starts from the analysis of the narration of Liyu song, first to mention「i-chi-zu-hua 一氣如話」in the statement of《Kwei-tzr-guan-chien 窺詞管見》, and then lookinto its content and practice from《nai-ger-tzr 耐歌詞》.The song topic《nai-ger-tzr》is consisted of 5 articles. The narrative ways it uses generallyare: monologue narration, sketching narration, expressing narration, commentary narration, andcomic narration.Li yu adds「representing narration」to his song by the narrative method of novel and drama,which helps expand narration of song; in handling「i-chi-zu-hua」and the nature of song’smeandering, he shows the wandering passage of inner heart, the unevenness of song plots, andthe novelty of the song topics.His《nai-ger-tzr》has an exploration in the narrative of song, andthat is sufficient to have a place in the narration history of song.李漁耐歌詞窺詞管見一氣如話四字金丹Li yu《nai-ger-tzr》《Kwei-tzr-guan-chien》i-chi-zu-huathe four cure-alls李漁「一氣如話」述評─兼論《耐歌詞》的敘事性A Comment on the Narrative of「i-chi-zu-hua」in Li yu《nai-ger-tzr》