陳國川Chen Kuo-Chuan林佳慧Lin Chia-Hui2019-08-292003-07-012019-08-292002http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0068823017%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/94001本研究依據「人文生態學」的概念,將「人文生態系統」分為「土地與土地的關係」、「農家與土地的關係」、「農家與農家的關係」三個次系統,分別透過「商品流動」、「能量與營養流動」、「勞力、技術與資訊流動」三個指標,來檢視本區清代以來上述三個次系統的變遷,以解釋今日南化鄉農業發展上的優勢從何而來。 由於田園面積有限,在清代原鄉即具牟利精神的漢人,入墾南化鄉菜寮溪流域後也於山坪栽培苧麻與薑黃等經濟作物。由於整地初期水土防禦工事完善,苧麻本身能量與營養流動封閉,加上薑黃維持長時間的自然拋荒,維持了山坪的地力與水土涵養。日治時代更透過堆肥的使用與綠肥作物的栽培輪種,作物的單位面積產量提高,以維持人口增加後的環境負載力。農家內部也透過衡量經濟作物的收購價格與風險,並協調農家人口勞力分配,以求得糧食作物、經濟作物栽培面積與牲畜數量之間的動態平衡。不幸的是,戰後初期樹薯的栽培卻導致本區人文生態系統陷入不平衡。基於樹薯本身耗營養、著根深的生態特性,加上農家整地與栽培方式的轉變,民國50年代末期本區面臨地力耗盡與水土流失的生態耗竭,在此種惡劣的環境下,僅有芒果得以在本地「著根」。民國80年代以後由於土壤逐漸硬化與酸化,加上消費者健康意識的驅使下,果農在用藥與用肥觀念上有所扭轉,人地關係才又朝向和諧發展。 透過各時期商品的流動所建立起來地與地的關係,則隨著作物種類、國家政策與市場需求而改變。苧麻與薑黃等傳統小商品交易方式多樣且具有彈性,清代本區也透過這兩種作物納入大陸的市場體系中,直到日本侵華戰爭爆發後才告瓦解。此外,日治初期本區劃為新式糖廠的原料採取區,在甘蔗的產銷與價格上深受殖民母國的控制。戰後的樹薯與芒果主要都是供應國內市場的需求,直到民國80年代運銷模式組織化以後,商品流動過程中販仔的地位逐漸式微,農家得以直接面對市場,小區域也可以透過作物鑲嵌入世界經濟的板塊中。 為了栽培多樣的作物並有效調配勞力,清代本區農家透過勞力互助,組成不論作物種類、不計耕地遠近大小、不計工資工時的「放伴團體」;日治中期以後農家開始具備勞力成本的概念,「放伴」轉變為同等工時、以力易力的「換工」;戰後初期農家不但開始以貨幣交易勞力,專業技術的農事也逐漸從「換工團體」中分化出來。縱使生產組織的內涵有逐漸商品化的趨勢,其空間結構卻無明顯的改變,即互助組織的範圍、規模及結合份子自清~戰後都相當固定,並由農家生產部門延伸到生活部門的互助。民國60~70年代本區生產組織雖然面臨解構,然而在十多年之後農家在此一空間結構與人際網絡的基礎上組成產銷班,憑著過去的情誼與默契形成極強的向心力,加上後來因理念投合而加入的新成員,整個產銷班成為命運共同體。農家生產空間重組後,透過資訊與技術流動,生活空間也跟著重組。 透過同舟共心、群策群力的在地農民所組成的產銷班,進而使得本區農家生產空間與生活空間再次結合,加上農家重視土地的永續利用,與土地維持和諧的關係,正是南化鄉菜寮溪流域農業發展的優勢所在。This study divided “Human ecological system” into three subsystems, “land-land”、”farmers -land” and “farmer-farmer”,according to the concept of “human ecology”, and observed the changes of these subsystems by three indicators ~ “goods flow”、 “energy and nutrition flow” and “labor、techonology and information flow” to explain where the advantage of agricultural development of Tsailiau basin comes from. Because of the area limitation of farm and garden, Han Chinese cultivated ramie and Curcuma aromatica Salisb at hillside in Ch’ing dynasty. Farmers, which is very close as for energy and nutrition flow, sustained soil fertility by keeping the hillside falllow for a long period of time and maintained land capacity in the system. Facing with population growth in the middle of Japanese colonial period, farmers incresed yields per area of land by using compost and rotating with legume crops to maintain carrying capacity in the system. Farm households also maintain dynamic equilibrium between the area of crops and the amount of livestocks. Unfortunately, the cultivation of cassava put this system into the condiction of unbalance. Untill the late 1960s, this region faced with land degradation and soil erosion for the reason that cassva consumed fertility at high speed and farmers changed the ways of hillside-modifying and crops-cultivating. However, Only mango could survive in such a really bad environment. In 1990s, farmers was aware of the condition of soil acidification and hardening, so they reduced the volumn of chemical fertilizer. The development of relation between farmers and land in this region tend to be some harmonious. The relation of land and land building by commodities flow in every stage, was changed by state policy、social economy and market demand. By the selling of ramie and Curcuma aromatica Salisb, this region was incorporated into the economic system of south-easten costal area of mainland in Ch’ing dynasty. The trade of traditional small commodities were diverse and flexible, and finally collapsed until WWⅡ. Besides, as the region was adopted into the area of puchasing raw material of new sugar refinery, the production、selling and price of sugar canes was controlled by Japanese government. After WWⅡ, cassava and mango was mainly supplied domestic market. In the early stage of 1990s, the model of production and selling in this region was organized, so the Hoàn-Á, dealers between farmers and wholesalers, were not so important in the commodities flow and farmers could sell their fruits into domestic and overseas market directly. In other words, small region can be also embedded into the domain of world economy system by a single fruit. To finish husbandry efficiently, farmers composed labor assistance groups to help each other, and it’s the so called “pàng-Phoàn groups” in Ch’ing dynasty. In this group farmers help each other regardless of the area and distance of farmland and didn’t count working-hours and wages. In the middle stage of Japanese colonial period, the concept of labor-capital went deep into the farmers gradually, and “pàng-Phoàn groups” were changed to “Hoan-Kang groups”. Farmers in “Hoan-Kang groups” had to trade their labor fairly. After WWⅡ, Farmers in this region began to purchase labor with money, and meanwhile specialized husbandry was also disunited from “Hoan-Kang groups” gradually. Even though the nature of assistance groups was tending to commodification, the spacial structure of assistance groups such as the components and range, was fixed. Although the structure of assistance groups was destroyed in 1970s-1980s, farmers composed production and selling classes on the basis of relationship of old days and had strong centripetal force. Furthermore, new members participated in these classes conformed with their same ideals. These classes were becoming symbiotic community. After the restructure of the productive space, the living space will also reconstruct by technology and information flow. Depended on these production and selling classes which composed by united local farmers, the living and productive space in this region were combined together again. Besides, farmers in this region attach the importance of sustainable usage of land, and also maintain harmonious relation with land. The two causes mentioned above are simply the advantage of agricultural development of Nanhua Shiang.人文生態學人文生態系統菜寮溪流域南化苧麻薑黃樹薯芒果能量流動營養流動商品流動human ecologyhuman ecological systemTsailiau basinNanhuaramieCurcuma aromatica Salisbcassavamangoenergy flownutrition flowcommodities flow臺南縣南化鄉菜寮溪流域人文生態系統的變遷The Changes of Human Ecological System of Tsailiau basin, Nanhua Shiang, Tainan