國立臺灣師範大學東亞學系藤井倫明Michiaki Fujii2014-10-302014-10-302011-10-02http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/32565朱子思想中有所謂「智藏」這一觀點。指的就是將四德(仁、義、禮、智)中的「智」, 對應到天徳(元、亨、利、貞)中的「貞」,以及四時(春夏秋冬)中的「冬」,也就是將「智」 視為具有收藏、收斂之意。然而此一「智藏」觀,古來並未受到中、韓兩國朱子學者的 重視,因此幾乎都沒有任何中、韓朱子學者針對「智蔵」說發過相關議論。但在日本江 戶時代,以山崎闇齋為開山祖師的崎門朱子學者們,卻非常重視朱子的這一「知藏」觀, 並將之加以體系化而發展成「智藏說」,留下許多有關「智藏」觀的學說主張。因此「知 藏」這一觀點,堪稱是形構崎門朱子學的重要特色之一。 而關於崎門派朱子學者的「知藏說」,之前部分前輩學者雖然已曾提及或紹介,但 皆止於概略性的說明,並未針對崎門「智藏說」進行全面而深入的剖析與闡明。因此, 關於崎門派朱子學者為何如此重視「知藏」這一觀點?「智藏說」在崎門派朱子學思想 中具有何種地位?以及從崎門派朱子學者對「知藏」的重視與發展看來,是否可以觀察 出朱子學在日本傳播的某一側面?又凸顯了何種中、日朱子學的同調與異趣等等諸多問 題,皆尚未獲得釐清。故申請者認為對崎門派「知藏說」的探討,是我們在思考日本朱 子學究竟具有何種特色時,一個非常重要且值得深入探討的研究議題。 基於上述理由,申請者擬藉由執行本專題研究計畫,詳細調查、蒐集崎門朱子學者 有關「知藏說」的相關文獻資料,對之進行分析研究,闡明其學說、思想之全貌,並藉 此說明朱子學在江戶日本的傳播受容情形,同時勾勒出崎門朱子學之特色,進而比較、 釐清中、日朱子學思想的異同。The Study on Kimon School’s Chizou Theory Zhu Xi 朱熹 ‘s Chizou 智藏 Theory was not noticed by Chinese and Korean scholars, but in Japan, Yamazaki Ansai 山崎闇齋 and his Kimon 崎門 School made a point of it and systematized it. It is one of the characteristics of Kimon School. Kimon School’s Chizou Theory was also mentioned or introduced by senior scholars, but they just roughly explained it and did not fully analysis in depth. The questions that why Kimon School made a point of Chizou Theory, what status does Chizou Theory have in Kimon School, how to observe the spread of Shushigaku 朱子學 in Japan through Chizou Theory and what are the similarities and dissimilarities between Chinese and Japanese Shushigaku have not clarified yet. Therefore I think that when we study on the characteristics of Japanese Shushigaku, Kimon School’s Chizou Theory is an important issue and is worth to go into it. I will collective the literatures about Kimon School’s Chizou Theory to analysis them in depth and to explain the spread of Shushigaku in Japan. And I will explain the characteristics of Kimon School to compare the similarities and dissimilarities between Chinese and Japanese Shushigaku.朱熹智藏山崎闇齋崎門學派日本朱子學江戶崎門派朱子學者之「智藏說」研究The Study on Kimon School’s Chizou Theory