葉德明王稐綸Lunlun Wang2019-08-282010-2-32019-08-282010http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0696800197%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/86469在華語逐漸風行的今天,華語課程、華語師資、華語教材等,都必須以更快的腳步加速發展。尤其是在「兒童華語」這一區塊,優良的華語教材屈指可數,而與其相關的研究也為數不多。必須有一套規劃完善的兒童教材編寫方針,才能編寫出適合兒童學習的教材;而探討這些兒童教材的編寫設計方向及原則,則是本論文的目的。 現今市面的兒童華語教材,多數並不實用,並且大多是為華裔學習者設計,完全不適用於無華語背景的西方兒童。而這些兒童華語教材在編寫時,年齡階層的設定混亂,教材內容與年齡不符,並且針對國小一年級以下的兒童而設計的教材更是寥寥可數。本論文所設定的研究對象為5-7歲的兒童(相當於幼稚園到國小一年級的階段),透過文獻探討、教材檢視、教材實做、實際試教,企圖從中找出最合適的兒童教材編寫方針。 在綜合各種文獻探討及教材分析後,整合出教材編寫原則,並依據原則設計出一課教材,為了使教材真正適用於幼稚園到一年級階段的兒童,筆者將所編教材於澳洲一所貴族學校的幼稚園及小學實地試教,透過學童的學習效果及反應,檢討教材及編寫原則的有效度。唯有透過實地試教,才能體現最適宜兒童學習的教材。As more and more people decided to learn Mandarin Chinese, it is essential for educators to constantly review and update their teaching materials. As of now, teaching materials geared towards children are inadequate, with a specific lack of practical educational materials. As a result, Chinese teachers are not as effective as they could be in educating these children. Currently most of the Chinese teaching materials available are for children of Chinese heritage. The materials are complicated and impractical for the majority of children aged 5 to 7 years old (kindergarten to year one students). Thus, there is a keen demand for good Mandarin Chinese teaching materials for this age group. Therefore, the purpose of this thesis is to discuss the concept of good Mandarin Chinese materials for children aged 5 to 7 years old, and provide practical guidelines for developing useful teaching materials for these students.兒童華語教材設計編寫原則Chinese teaching materialsmaterial design英語地區五至七歲兒童華語教材研究與設計編寫 -以澳洲學童為例-Research and Development of Mandarin Chinese Teaching Materials for Five to Seven Year Old Australian Children