李大偉Ta-Wei Lee王婉亭Wan-Ting Wang2019-09-032006-8-12019-09-032006http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0693710145%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/96703本研究旨在探討金融服務從業人員在職訓練成效評鑑之是否替企業帶來效益,針對金融服務從業人員在職訓練成效評鑑實施後設評鑑,以瞭解其實施現況,並檢核其在效用性、可行性、適切性及精準性四方面之優缺點。 本研究以個案研究法,透過檔案檢視與訪談蒐集資料,經分析討論後,所獲致之主要結論為: 一、在效用性方面,優點為評鑑者瞭解利害關係人的需求且受到利害關係人信任。缺點為未將其他與評鑑間接相關人員納入,以瞭解與回應其他利害關係人對評鑑不同的看法與需求。 二、在可行性方面,優點為依照實際可行並為一個循環的程序進行評鑑。缺點為未讓有權利瞭解評鑑報告的人獲得報告、報告中未明確提供決策建議。 三、在適切性方面,優點為符合維護受評者的基本權利,依照一定的程序進行評鑑。缺點為忽略了在評鑑中不預期的發現;對評鑑缺乏全面的說明與解釋。 四、在精準性方面,優點為評鑑規劃與執行人員對於評鑑方案具完整的瞭解;評鑑中使用一致的標準與分析方法,以產生相同的報告。缺點為評鑑的報導僅止於評鑑結果的呈現,並非報導整體的評鑑報告。The study was to implement metaevaluation on in-service training evaluation in financial companies to find out the implementation status of in-service training evaluation, and to exam the advantages and disadvantages of the utility, feasibility, propriety, and accuracy of in-service training evaluation. The study collected information and resources by data analysis and interview. Main conclusions of the study were made as follows: 1. In terms of utility, the advantages were to understand stakeholders’ evaluation need. The disadvantages were not to use stakeholders to identify other stakeholders. 2. In terms of feasibility, the advantages were to make a realistic schedule and to be efficient. The disadvantages were not to report to right-to-know audiences, and not to provide accountability information. 3. With regard to propriety, the advantages were to follow due process. The disadvantages were not to report on unintended outcomes. 4. With regard to accuracy, the advantages were to calibrate scorers and analysts to produce consistent results and the evaluation staffs know how the program was intended to function. The disadvantages were not to describe the evaluation’s purposes and procedures in the summary and full-length evaluation reports.評鑑後設評鑑在職訓練evaluationin-service trainingmetaevaluation金融服務從業人員在職訓練成效評鑑之後設評鑑研究A metaevaluation on in-service training evaluation in financial companies