周明Jou, Min王尹廷Wang, Yin-Ting2020-12-142019-12-312020-12-142019http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060570020H%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/111022本研究目的在於可利用感測器進行預防性診斷,偵測物體有無受到異常外力施壓或是受力不均的情況,並透過Arduino、HX711、ESP8266與網頁語法的結合應用將感測器數據即時上傳雲端,發送警訊給使用者。本研究屬於一種實驗性之研究,分為硬體與軟體兩個部分,硬體實作亦能劃分成Arduino控制模組、Load-Cell搭配HX711的重量感測模組、ESP8266無線網路傳輸模組與行動裝置等四個部分的結合應用;軟體則是先使用MIT App Inventor 2來設計行動裝置App介面與功能,利用JavaScript、HTML等來設計及撰寫網頁,利用PHP與MySQL做為後端平台,架設可以顯示即時數據的動態網頁平台,並運用網頁或行動裝置App等來傳遞相關通知或警訊,達到一個結合物聯網的預防性診斷系統。本研究結果亦發現,若將預防性偵測系統用於長時間偵測所測得之數據會比短時間偵測時更加穩定,系統誤動作現象也相對較低,亦符合本研究之預期目標,即達到長時間預防性偵測之效果。The purpose of this study was to use a sensor for preventive diagnosis, to detect whether an object has been subjected to abnormal external pressure or uneven force, and to use the combination of Arduino, HX711, ESP8266 and webpage syntax to apply the sensor data and instantly upload real-time data to the cloud and senda warning to the user. This experiment can be divided into two parts: hardware and software. Hardware implementation can also be divided into four parts which will be used harmoniously with each other : Arduino control module, Load-Cell with HX711 weight sensing module, ESP8266 wireless network transmission module and mobile devices. The software will first use MIT App Inventor 2 to design the mobile device App interface and functions, then will use JavaScript and HTML to design and write webpages and use PHP and MySQL as a back-end platform – setting up dynamic web pages that can display use a real-time data Platform, and use web pages or mobile device apps to deliver relevant notifications or alerts to achieve a preventive diagnostic system that combines the Internet of Things.工業4.0物聯網無線感測網路行動裝置Industry 4.0Internet of ThingsWireless sensor networkMobile App物聯網在工程自動化診斷之應用研究A Study on Applying the IoT to Engineering Diagnosis