林蕙珊Hui-Shan Lin廖書儀Shu-Yi Liao2019-09-032018-7-12019-09-032014http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0699210434%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/97840本研究旨在探討四縣客語的音位排列(phonotactics)與其借字音韻學 (loanword phonology)。研究方法採用古典優選理論(Classical Optimality Theory (McCarthy& Prince 1993, Prince & Smolensky 1993/2004))以及相關的衍生理論,包括聯合制約(Local Conjunction (Smolensky 1993))和評價排序模組(Rank-Ordering Model of EVAL (Coetzee 2006))。 過去鮮少以制約排序的手法來分析四縣客語的音位排列與借字音韻學。音位排列方面會論及四種音韻現象:由/, , /至[, , ]的衍生、韻母的形成、雙母音的結構,以及由/, , /至[, , ]的生成變化。關於借字音韻學,本論文探討源自於日語的借字。語料來源為台灣行政院客家委員會所發行的<<客語外來語:含原閩客國語互借詞(四縣腔)>>(2011a)。借字音韻學的分析著重於音段改適(segmental adaptation)。音段改適是指語音在不同語言間借予的過程中所發生的變化。在借字的過程中,聽話者會將非母語語音錯誤聽辨成相似的母語語音。 決定音位排列的制約,在討論音段改適是否恰當時扮演著極為關鍵的角色。針對音位排列所提出的數條制約,在應用於評斷借字的變化時,會聚合成一個制約組。此制約組內含許多標記制約(markedness constraint),總稱為OK-σ。在討論借字音韻學的過程中,除了OK-σ之外,並還有許多信實制約(faithfulness constraint)作用於其中。信實制約的提出,目的在於準確預測最佳輸出值(optimal output),並且詳細描述音段在借予的過程中是如何改適。所有的信實制約皆和語音特徵(phonetic feature)有相關,故本文也提供日語和四縣客語的語音矩陣(feature matrix)。 就借字音韻學而論,本文研究結果與支持兩階段改適的觀點一致 (Kenstowicz 2005, Silverman 1992, Yip 2006)。第一階段的改適著重於非母語語音變化至母語語音的過程,亦是上述所提的音段改適。第二階段的改適則著重評斷改適過後的音串(sound sequence)是否滿足該語言的音位排列要求。 附註:語音符號於此無法顯示,關於語音符號的標誌,請參照論文全文。This research studies Sixian-Hakka (S-Hakka) phonotactics and loanword phonology by adopting Optimality Theory (OT). Several theories related to OT are taken advantage of to account for various phenomena, including Classical Optimality Theory (McCarthy& Prince 1993, Prince & Smolensky 1993/2004), Local Conjunction (Smolensky 1993) and Rank-Ordering Model of EVAL (Coetzee 2006). Both S-Hakka phonotactics and loanword phonology have never been analyzed through constraint competition. For phonotactics, four phonological phenomena are in question. First, an argument for the derivation from /, , / to [, , ] is provided. Second and third are about rhymes and diphthongs. Fourth, the derivation from /, , / to [,, ] is explained. For loanwords, words that are originated in Japanese are collected from a loanword dictionary Keyu Wailaiyu: Han Yuan Min Ke Guo Yu Hujieci (Sixian Qiang) [Loanwords in Sixian-Hakka: Including words shared among Taiwanese, Hakka and Mandarin] (2011a). Issues about loanwords focus on segmental adaptations which refer to the non-native segments transform to the similar ones that are native in listeners’ inventory. Constraints found to be active in S-Hakka phonotactics play an essential role to judge whether a certain loanword adaptation is acceptable or not in the language. Constraints that are proposed for S-Hakka phonotactics are grouped together as one constraint package when they are applied to analyze loanword adaptations. The constraint package consists of several markedness constraints and is named as OK-σ. When loanword phonology is in question, in addition to OK-σ, a few faithfulness constraints are put forward in order to correctly predict the optimal output and elaborately describe how a segment is adapted when the loan process occurs. The faithfulness constraints are related to features so feature matrices of Japanese and S-Hakka inventories can be seen. Regarding loanword phonology, the findings of the research are consistent with the perspective that claims two steps of transformations (Kenstowicz 2005, Silverman 1992, Yip 2006). First, non-native segments are adapted and turn out as the segments that exist in listeners’ phonetic inventory. Second, after non-native sounds are adapted, the whole sound sequences have to be judged by the phonotactics of the target language. Note: The phonetic symbols are unable to be shown here and please refer to the thesis for the symbols.四縣客語音位排列借字音韻學優選理論Sixian-HakkaPhonotacticsLoanword phonologyOptimality Theory四縣客語音位排列與借字音韻學: 優選理論分析Sixian-Hakka Phonotactics and Loanword Phonology: An Optimality-theoretic Analysis