石曉楓2014-10-272014-10-272006-09-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/24954「成長小說」(Bildungsroman)的概念來自於西方,但一般以男性的啟蒙為主要書寫內容;至於女性在成長階段所面臨的問題,與男性成長小說是否有所差異?則甚少有論者注意。本論文首先說明「女性成長小說」的義界、發展與研究現況,其次以1949年以來臺灣女性成長小說為文本,指出其書寫主題包含「童年的美好與悵惘」、「理想的追尋或幻滅」、「愛欲的迷惘與探索」、「家變的寬容與控訴」等面向,並由此論述其與時代風潮之間的互動,以及不同於男性經驗的書寫特色。延續以上觀察,本論文指出當代臺灣女性成長小說,在題材及書寫形式上值得思考與修正之處,也試圖勾勒成長小說創作的新空間。The concept of “Bidungsroman” is derived from Western literature, of which subject generally focuses on the awakening of a young man. In light of the problems that young women have encountered, there are few researches exploring the differences of men and women in their process of growth. In this article, the author explains the definition of “Female Bildungsroman” as well as its current development and research literatures. Second, the author studies the subject matter of Female Bildungsroman in Taiwan since 1949, which includes “the wonderful time and bewilderment in childhood”, “search for ideal and the disillusion”, “the bewilderment and exploration of love and passion”, and “forgiving for or complaining about the unexpected family incidents”. Finally, the author discusses the interaction between the subject matter of Female Bildungsroman and the trends in times.成長小說女性小說青少年啟蒙童年理想情欲家變BildungsromanNovels by women writersAdolescentAwakeningChildhoodIdealPassionUnexpected family incidents少女成長紀事