張正芬Chang, Chen-Fan邱子華Chiu, Tzu-Hua2019-08-282016-08-102019-08-282016http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060109009E%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/91473本研究採取質性研究取向,以符號互動論為研究觀點,探討兩位國小高年級自閉症學生的學校適應情形。本研究主要訪談兩位國小高年級自閉症學生,以了解他們在校園生活中,對於其個人心理適應、人際關係適應、行為表現適應及學業學習適應的觀點、詮釋及因應之道。也輔以入班觀察及訪談兩位研究參與者之導師及同儕,以形成多元觀點對話。研究結果發現兩位研究參與者在校園生活中顯現「表淺的朋友認定」、「狹隘的社會訊息接收」、「對規定的嚴格恪守」、「不共脈絡的模仿」、「自我觀點下的同理心」、「觸覺敏感的狀況」、「凌亂無序的生活管理」、「興趣是啟動的鑰匙」等特徵。最後,本研究期許能帶給現場實務者一些省思:「老師應正視學生本身對學校適應的行動脈絡」、「自閉症學生在班上不干擾不代表沒有需求」、「自閉症學生的人際關係亟需成人引導」、「興趣是開啟自閉症學生學習的鑰匙」、「同儕友伴選擇與訓練的重要性」、「建構健全的校內特殊需求學生支持體系」。This study adopted the qualitative approach. In Symbolic Interaction point of view, I explored two high-grade elementary students with autism about how they adapted to their school life. I interviewed the two high-grade elementary school students with autism for the study in order to understand whether they adapted themselves to the school life, such as the personal feelings, interpersonal relationships, the school behavior, and the academic achievements. I observed them both in class, and also interviewed the two children's class teacher and the classmates. As a result, I found that their school life has the following characteristics: (a) "superficial identity about friends," (b) "the receiving of narrow-minded social messages," (c) "rule-abiding by strictly," (d) "the imitation without complete consideration," (e) "the empathy based on his own views," (f) "the sensitive response," (g) "the management of mess life," and (h) "the interest to his motivation." Finally, I hope this study can help the teachers think about the following points: (a) The teacher should value the students’ contextual action. (b) That the autistic students who do not cause interference in the class does not mean there is no demand in their school life. (c) The relationships of autistic student need the teachers’guidance. (d) The interest is the key to start learning for the students with autism. (e) Value the selection of the peers and the training before they accompany the autistic students. (f) Establish a complete support system for the special students in the school.自閉症國小高年級學生學校適應質性研究符號互動論autism spectrum disorderhigh-grade elementary school studentsschool life adjustmentqualitative approachsymbolic interaction以符號互動論觀點探討國小普通班高年級自閉症學生之學校適應Study on School Life Adjustment among High-grade Elementary School Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Regular Classes: Viewpoint from Symbolic Interactionism