麥康妮Mak, Athena江敏豪Chiang, Min-Hao2022-06-082026-02-242022-06-082021https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/ffab4d64422413fe8d176666beaf8c67/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/118235  本研究以臺北市觀光旅館Y世代房務員為研究對象,探討領導風格對於旅館Y世代房務員與離職意圖之間的影響。本研究以立意抽樣 (purposive sampling) 方法進行樣本抽取。基於立意抽樣的方式眾多,以典型個案抽樣 (typical case sampling),針對四家臺北市觀光旅館房務部門抽樣共計十八人 (包含幹部四人及房務員十四人),進行半結構訪談方式 (semi-structured interview),透過Y世代房務員與房務幹部的訪談過程,深入瞭解其意見與看法,並將訪談資料及錄音內容等進行整理及謄寫逐字稿;本研究採用主題分析,由主題開始做發展延伸,逐步將所蒐集與研究主題相關的資料與概念,歸納入每個主題之下,依據分析的結果,詮釋觀光旅館房務部領導風格 (leadership style) 對Y世代房務員工作的影響。依據研究結果,可以更完整瞭解臺北市觀光旅館之Y世代房務員目前的工作滿意 (job satisfaction) 現況、組織承諾 (organizational commitment) 現況及工作壓力 (job stress) 現況等,而這些工作現況也確實造成Y世代房務員對於現職工作的評估,甚至產生離職意圖 (turnover intention);而結果也顯示,主管領導風格可以分別從願景目標、激勵員工士氣、資訊共享及員工個人關懷等方式影響Y世代房務員在工作職場上所面對之工作現況;瞭解領導風格造成工作現況之影響,最後並給予領導風格上之建議。相信本研究結果可提供旅館房務部門之領導者在領導Y世代房務員時參考之依據。  This study explores the influence of leadership style on the turnover intention of Generation Y (Gen Y) hotel housekeepers.   A qualitative research approach was adopted. By using a typical case sampling method, a total of 18 participants (including four managers and 14 Gen Y housekeepers) from the housekeeping departments of four hotels in Taipei were recruited for semi-structured in-depth interviews. Interviews were digitally-recorded, transcribed and thematic analyzed. The findings show that the supervisor’s leadership style had significant influence on: (1) the job satisfaction (both intrinsic and extrinsic satisfaction), (2) organizational commitment, and (3) job stress of Gen Y hotel housekeepers. In turn, these factors contributed to the turnover intention of Gen Y hotel housekeepers. The findings further suggest that Gen Y hotel housekeepers tended to prefer leaders who: (1) provide clear goals and vision, (2) increase employee morale, (3) communicate and share information, and (4) offer personalized care to employees. It is believed that the findings of this study can provide important insights for the housekeeping leaders to manage the Gen Y housekeepers successfully.領導風格工作滿意組織承諾工作壓力離職意圖leadership stylejob satisfactionorganizational commitmentjob stressturnover intention探討主管領導風格對於Y世代旅館房務員離職意圖之影響-以臺北市觀光旅館為例A Study on the Leadership Style of Gen Y Housekeeper’s Turnover Intention–Take Taipei City Hotels as an example學術論文