杞昭安Chi, Chao-An林明慧Lin, Ming-Hui2022-06-082021-02-222022-06-082021https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/7ddb23609492e9f6ef469585c1ffbb8a/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/118002  本研究旨在探討視覺障礙夫妻(以下簡稱視障夫妻)照顧0~1歲子女之育兒生活,採用質性研究取向,以立意取樣的方式選取三對符合本研究資格的視障夫妻進行半結構式的訪談,探究其育兒生活的經驗與策略及育兒資源與困境。本研究結果歸納如下: 1、視障夫妻照顧子女的工作會利用反覆練習、熟能生巧的方式找到跨越障礙的育兒智慧,並且隨著孩子動態的成長過程調整其育兒策略。 2、視障夫妻在照顧明眼孩子的過程中,衍生出明盲互動的技巧,特有的相處默契是明眼替代照顧者無法提供的互動模式,並且透過同為視障父母的友人經驗,學習仿效照顧孩子的方法,傳承珍貴的視障者經驗。 3、視障夫妻對彼此育兒觀念上的落差,會用溝通、尊重或妥協的方式包容彼此。夫妻雙方皆會投入子女照顧與家事工作,分工上沒有明顯的性別區分,努力經營與孩子共處的時光,不讓視覺障礙影響親子互動的過程與品質。 4、視障夫妻大多會尋求原生家庭長輩協助育兒照顧工作,彌補障礙帶來的照顧困難,但長輩過多的介入造成視障夫妻育兒工作的生疏。 5、育兒指導課程有助於視障夫妻建立初步的育兒照顧觀念,善用育兒資源的串連能夠提高視障夫妻育兒生活的品質,但部份專業資源的提供,缺乏完善的制度與換位思考的貼心,造成視障夫妻資源使用上的缺憾。   最後依據研究結果,針對與視障夫妻育兒生活之相關單位、原生家庭長輩及視障夫妻提供相關建議。This study aims to explore the parenting life of visually impaired couples taking care of infants aged from 0 to 1 year. This study adopted the qualitative research methods, through semi-structured in-depth interviews, to collect related data by purposively choosing 3 participants. The interviews focus on the experience and strategies of childcare and also resources and difficulties they have confronted. The results of this study are summarized as follows: I. Visually impaired couples take care of their infants by repeated practice to accumulate parenting wisdom that overcomes obstacles and thus adjust their parenting strategies to the dynamic growth process of their children. II. In the process of nourishing, visually impaired couples develop special interaction techniques with their normal infant. It learned this unique tacit communication from its blind parents instead of normal caregivers. Besides through the experience of friends who are also visually impaired parents passing on precious experiences, blind parents, though novice, learn to imitate the skills from their blind friends. III. Visually impaired couples usually communicate, respect, or compromise to accommodate each other's differences when it comes to parenting. Both spouses will devote themselves to childcare and housework. There is no obvious gender distinction in the division of labor. They work hard to manage their infants and prevent visual impairments from hindering parent-child interaction. IV. Most visually impaired couples will seek assistance from the original family for parenting and care work so that they can make up for the inefficiency caused by inability, but excessive dominance from the elderswill make visually impaired couples unfamiliar with their work. V. Parenting guidance courses will help visually impaired couples to establish a preliminary concept of child care and making good use of parenting resources can improve the quality of parenting life for visually impaired couples. However, lack of a complete welfare and consideration to provide professional support has resulted in heavy load for visually impaired couples. Finally, based on the research results, relevant suggestions are provided for the authorities related to the parenting life of visually impaired couples, the elders of the original family, and visually impaired couples.視覺障礙視障者全盲視障夫妻育兒生活visual impairmentpeople with visual impairmentblindvisually impaired couplesparenting life視覺障礙夫妻育兒生活之研究A Research on the Visually Impaired Couple’s Life of Raising Infants學術論文