潘淑滿Pan Shu-Man陳冠伶Chen Kung-Ling2019-08-282011-6-172019-08-282011http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0697180099%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/86048本研究在探討非自願脈絡下,社會工作者與少年之互動經驗,藉由深度訪談配對方式,共訪七對(十四位)受訪者。研究發現互動歷程必須從開案前開始探討,在無專業關係束縛下的互動經驗會有助於專業關係初期的磨合。初期階段,「不熟」是專業關係最大的阻礙,社會工作者會設法拉近與少年的關係,其使用的方法與態度也成為少年評估的依據;中期階段,可以看出三種互動發展趨勢;後期階段,少年轉變的原因包括自己想通了,以及能將他人的管教詮釋為「關心」。 互動模式中,社會工作者與少年不同的角色搭配會產出三種不同互動關係。支持性的真平衡關係是最佳的互動模式;控制性的不平衡關係容易出現在關係建立的一開始,以及少年與社會工作者觀點差異極大的情況下;支持性的假平衡關係是最不佳的,容易出現在當社會工作者藉由強制力來牽制少年時。 互動策略包括角色澄清、場面建構、運用行為改變技術、一般化概念、柔性的態度、跨專業搭配及資源連結。少年議題特殊性包括專業關係界限的虛無、關係良好不代表就能談核心議題、通報的兩難、對於少年狀態的掌握低,但掌握程度也無關少年行為是否會惡化,以及少年自己有一套觀點幫助他們評估行為如何發展。 研究建議社會工作者在服務時,需瞭解少年群體的實像,以及少年工作必然面對的困境,確認自己的角色定位,並促使服務方式多元化。藉由長期柔性的陪伴,與核心議題的探討,幫助少年建立他們的社會資本,以達到更好的生活福祉。The main purpose of this research is to gain a better understanding of the involuntary interactive experience between social workers and adolescents. Seven social workers and seven adolescents were interviewed in this research. The findings showed that the helping relationship must be established before the ‘‘professional’’ relationship phase. At the initial stage, adolescents are usually not familiar enough with social workers, which blocks the professional relationships. In this regard, social workers will try to get closer to adolescents. What they do are key to adolescents’ change of attitudes. At the middle stage, three trends of interactive relationship will be developed. As for the termination phase, adolescents may regard social workers’ services as ‘‘care’’. The different roles played by social workers and adolescents can be divided into three interactive models: 1) support-oriented true equilibrium relationship; 2) control-oriented disequilibrium relationship; 3) support-oriented pseudo-equilibrium relationship. Interactive strategies include: 1) role clarification; 2) structuring; 3) behavior modification; 4) generalization; 5) friendly attitude; 6) multi-disciplinary; 7) resource connecting. Characteristics for working with adolescents : 1) The boundaries of professional relationships are ambiguous; 2) Good relationships do not guarantee that adolescents are ready to face the key subject; 3) To report of not is a dilemma; 4) Social workers cannot get the whole picture of adolescents’ condition; 5) Adolescents have their ‘‘own’’ viewpoints when making choices. It is suggested that social workers must clearly understand the real life of adolescents and, the challenges in working with adolescents, as well as realize the role they play in helping clients. In order to help adolescents construct their social capital and gain social welfare, practitioners need to provide multi-dimensional services in a deep interaction.非自願個案少年專業關係互動模式互動策略involuntary clientsadolescentsprofessional relationshipinteractive modelinteractive strategies共譜圓舞曲~非自願案主思維下少年工作之探究與反思Inquiry and Reflection on Working with Adolescents in Involuntary Contexts- Performing a Waltz Dance