湯仁燕Tang, Ren-Yen趙雨婕Chao, Yu-Chieh2024-12-172024-06-222024https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/b058b251f0d02835d7bbe53f9200d384/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/122632五校策略聯盟微課程是因應108課綱選修課程時數增加,而於彈性學習時間開辦之跨校、跨領域,甚至跨學習階段的嶄新課程。其突破性在於將微課程的概念運用在實際教育現場,以及首度於高中學習階段創立策略聯盟,串聯5所高中(北一女中、建國中學、師大附中、中山女高、成功高中)與8所大學(台大、台師大、政大、交大、陽明、北醫、北科大、實踐)。自107學年先行試辦7門課程,自112年停辦,六年期間社會上對此有高度討論,其他縣市不少高中也紛紛效法開辦策略聯盟,然學術界對此卻欠缺正式研究。本研究採質性方式進行研究,透過訪談和文件分析從個案學校之行政端辦學與教師教學經驗中,釐清五校策略聯盟微課程的發展歷程可分為五個階段:一、充分發揮行政專業領導的規劃階段;二、以校長領導知能為主,確立課程取向與模式為輔的設計階段;三、課程目標與內容彈性且多元的發展階段;四、行政端與授課端各自運作的實施階段;五、相較薄弱的課程評鑑階段。此外,更分別分析了五項五校策略微課程之課程發展的優勢與困境,優勢如:一、行政端專業領導激發微課程產生且為能維續多年的關鍵;二、五校間的互補性加深合作關係的廣度與深度;三、五校間的同質性讓合作順暢運作;四、五校的明星光環提升開課成功率;五、「微課程」有助於生涯規劃的形成。困境則有:一、課程參與者間缺乏有效溝通平臺;二、相較於自主學習更沉重的學習負擔;三、部分開課教師缺乏教授中等教育的教學經驗;四、偏重實務運作層面的課程設計階段;五、課程評鑑設計略顯薄弱。最後,據研究結果整理幾項建議供其他高中策略聯盟共創課程時能加以參考。The Five Universities Strategic Alliance Micro-Curriculum is a brand-new cross-school, cross-discipline and even cross-learning stage programme offered during flexible learning hours to accommodate the increase in the number of elective course hours in the 108 syllabus. Its breakthrough lies in the application of the concept of micro-courses to the actual education scene, and the creation of a strategic alliance for the first time in the high school learning stage, connecting 5 high schools (Taipei First Girls High School, Taipei Municipal Jianguo High School, The Affiliated Senior High School of National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei Municipal Zhong Shan Girls High School, and Taipei Municipal Chenggong High School) and 8 universities (National Taiwan University, National Taiwan Normal University, National Chengchi University, Jiao Tong University, National Yang-Ming University, Taipei Medical University, National Taipei University of Technology, and Shih Chien University). Since the 107th academic year, 7 courses have been piloted and discontinued since 112, and there has been a high degree of discussion in the society during the six years, and many high schools in other counties and cities have also followed suit to form strategic alliances, but there is a lack of formal research in the academic community. Through interviews and document analysis, this study clarifies the development process of the five-school strategic alliance micro-curriculum from the administrative side of the case schools and the teaching experience of teachers, which can be divided into five stages: 1. Give full play to the planning phase of administrative professional leadership. 2. The design stage is based on the principal's leadership and ability, supplemented by the establishment of curriculum orientation and model. 3. The objectives and content of the curriculum are flexible and diverse in the development stage. 4. The implementation stage of the respective operation of the administrative side and the teaching side. 5. The relatively weak stage of curriculum evaluation. In addition, the advantages and dilemmas of curriculum development of the five five-school strategy micro-courses are analyzed, such as: 1. the key to the creation of micro-courses stimulated by administrative professional leaders and can be sustained for many years. 2. The complementarity between the five universities deepens the breadth and depth of the cooperative relationship. 3. The homogeneity between the five schools allows the cooperation to operate smoothly. 4. The star ring of the five schools has increased the success rate of the course. 5. Micro-courses are helpful for the formation of career planning. The difficulties are: 1. The lack of an effective communication platform among course participants. 2. Heavier learning burden than self-directed learning. 3. Some of the teachers lack teaching experience in teaching secondary education. 4. The curriculum design stage that focuses on the practical operation level. 5. The design of curriculum evaluation is slightly weak.Finally, based on the research results, researcher has compiled a few suggestions for other high school strategic alliances to co-create courses.微課程策略聯盟課程發展歷程micro-coursestrategic alliancecurriculum development process臺北市五校策略聯盟微課程發展歷程之研究A Study on the Curriculum Development Process of the Micro-Course of the Five-Schools Strategic Alliance in Taipei學術論文