王馨敏Wang, Shin-Min林幸萱Lin, Hsing-Hsuan2020-10-192025-08-062020-10-192020http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060606037E%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/110016 本研究探討繪本結合漢字鍵接圖教學以及繪本結合一般識字教學兩種不同教學法對於學齡前幼兒中文識字學習成效之影響。本研究以臺北市某公立幼兒園4-6歲之50位幼兒為研究對象,隨機分派參與研究幼兒至不同教學組別,接受每週2次且連續4週的教學介入,共8次。在教學介入前,參與研究幼兒接受簡單兩百字測驗、中文簡單選字測驗、視知覺能力測驗、托尼非語文智力測驗,在教學介入後,幼兒接受簡單兩百字測驗、中文簡單選字測驗及研究者自編目標字測驗。 研究結果發現,在教學介入後,兩組幼兒在簡單兩百字測驗以及中文簡單選字測驗的表現上皆有顯著進步,但進步幅度在統計上沒有顯著的組間差異。研究者進一步將教學目標字分為合體字與獨體字進行分析,發現兩組幼兒在獨體字與合體字測驗上的表現在教學後均有顯著進步,但進步的幅度同樣不因介入方式而有不同。根據上述研究結果,本研究提供在學齡前幼兒階段識字建議及相關策略。This study explores the effects of two different teaching methods, storybooks combined with Chinese character Key-image instruction and storybooks combined with distributed word recognition instruction, on the effectiveness of Chinese character recognition for young children. 50 children aged 4-6 years from Taipei were recruited to participate in this study. The children were randomly assigned to the experimental or control group. They received two different teaching intervention twice a week for four consecutive weeks, a total of 8 times. Abilities of Chinese character recognition of the participants were investigated by pre-test and post-test. The study found that after the intervention of teaching, the two groups of children made significant progress in the performance of Chinese character recognition assessment, but there was no statistically significant difference between the groups. According to the structure of Chinese characters, the researcher further divided the teaching target words into single component characters and Chinese character puzzles for analysis, and found that the performance of the two groups of children on the single component character testand Chinese character puzzle test has improved significantly after teaching, but the improvement is not due to the different teaching method of intervention. Based on the above research results, this research provides suggestions and related strategies for young children to learn Chinese character recognition.漢字鍵接圖幼兒中文識字Chinese character Key-imageChildrenChinese character recognition以繪本結合漢字鍵接圖教學對學齡前幼兒中文識字學習成效之影響The Effectiveness of Chinese Character Key-image Instruction with Storybooks on Preschooler’s Character Recognition Ability