國立臺灣師範大學華語文教學系暨研究所張國恩信世昌柯華葳楊接期2014-10-302014-10-302009-12-31http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/31646隨著中國大陸商機崛起,華語文學習人口數近年迅速竄升。面對龐大 華語市場,中國大陸政府強力在全球各地推銷教材與師資,同時,也積 極吸引外籍大學生到中國學習華語以及各種學科,透過國家之力量,積 極建設華語文教學發展之強勢品牌。 因此,為促使臺灣成為華語文學習 之重鎮,針對中國大陸對華語文學習的政策與現況,必須建立具差異性 的華語文學習模式、工具、教材等,方能找出發展華語文教學之優勢。 由現況分析,臺灣有著資通訊產業的優勢,加上推動數位典藏與數位學 習國家型科技計畫建立的基礎,利用數位科技進行創新應用,向全球輸 出華語文學習解決方案,將能建立一個行銷全球市場的教育科技產業, 尤其隨著華語文的內容、平台、服務在世界擴散,臺灣將會有機會成為 華語文的全球資源運籌中心。 為創意推廣國家數位典藏與數位學習之應用,促進我國、人文、社會、 產業與經濟的發展,進而將臺灣經驗呈現於國際社會,以拓展臺灣國際 舞台空間並永續經營國家重要文化資產,及發展數位學習產業及在教育 上的應用。97 年由教育部、工業局、僑委會、國科會、客委會等部會, 首先針對2 期語文數位教學計畫願景展開政策性推動,故宮博物院將於 98 年加入本計畫,勢必能有效強化華語文數位教學的國際地位,傳播臺 灣價值。As there are more and more business opportunities in the rising Mainland China, the number of people learning the Chinese language has been increasing rapidly in recent years. Seeing such a huge Chinese learning market, the government of Mainland China has been vigorously marketing teachers and textbooks to various places throughout the world. At the same time, the government has been actively attracting foreign students to China to study Chinese and various other disciplines. The government has been actively building a strong brand in Chinese language teaching with the country's strengths and resources. Therefore, in order to change Taiwan into an important stronghold of Chinese language learning, Taiwan must establish differentiate educational models, tools, textbooks in response to Mainland China's policy and situation of Chinese language teaching, so as to find out its advantages in the field. Currently, Taiwan has advantages in IT and Communication industries, which lays down a solid foundation for its e-Learning & Digital Archives Program. Through the innovative application of digital technology, it can export Chinese language teaching solutions to the world, and establish its educational technology industry that can be marketed to the global market. In particular, with the expansion of the contents, platform, and service of Chinese language, Taiwan will have an opportunity to become a strategic center for the allocation of global resources of the Chinese language. In order to innovatively promote the application of Taiwan e-Learning & Digital Archives Program and the development of humanity, society, and industry of our country, and to present the Taiwan experience before international societies, so as to expand the international stage for Taiwan, ensure sustainable operation of the country's important cultural heritage, and develop the application of the e-learning industry in education, Ministry of Education, Industrial Development Bureau of Ministry Of Economic Affairs, Overseas Chinese Affairs Commission, National Science Council, and Council for Hakka Affairs had developed encouragement policies in 2008 in light of the vision of the 2nd Phase of the E-learning for the Chinese Language Project. National Palace Museum will also join this project in 2009, which will certainly consolidate the international standing of Taiwan in digital teaching of the Chinese language and spread Taiwan values effectively.〈推動規劃補助計畫〉 數位典藏與數位學習國家型科技計畫-語文數位教學計畫