卓俊辰Zhuo-jun Chen康永明Kang-Yung Kang2019-09-052017-7-22019-09-052012http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0598303323%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/105465本研究旨在瞭解新竹市消防人員體適能及規律運動行為之現況情形。透過體適能檢測及規律運動行為問卷調查,得計145份有效問卷,回收率為85%。以描述性統計、獨立樣本單因子變異數分析及獨立樣本t考驗方法進行資料分析。研究結果發現: 一、體適能方面,以受試者以年齡(區間5歲)平均數與臺閩地區男性「國民體能常模表」對照,身體質量指數46~50歲組及51~55歲組有稍重的趨勢;肌肉適能皆屬很好等級;柔軟度屬普通與良好等級各佔一半;心肺適能除46~50歲組屬良好,其他組皆屬很好等級。 二、不同工作職務消防人員體適能檢測成績表現以平均數比較,身體質量指數以分隊長為較高,一分鐘仰臥起坐及坐姿體前彎以隊員為較佳,三分鐘登階測驗以分隊長為較佳。 三、消防人員規律運動行為方面,有規律運動行為習慣者佔65.5﹪,無規律運動行為者佔34.5﹪。 四、全體受試者所從事運動項目以慢跑為最多;每週運動次數2次佔最多;每週運動時數平均數2小時為最多。 五、由於新竹市消防局平時非常重視體能訓練及安排各項體技能比賽,使各消防人員體適能檢測數值皆表現優良。This study aims to understand the current condition of Hsinchu City firefighters’ physical fitness and regular exercise behavior through a carefully designed questionnaire. The total number of valid questionnaires is 145 with the overall response rate of 85%. The data gathered from the questionnaire are analyzed through descriptive statistics, independent sample one-way ANOVA and independent sample t-test. The following are the results: 1. Physical Fitness: subjects are categorized by age (with an interval of 5 years) and their average performances are compared with “Male Physical Fitness Norm Table in Taiwan-Fujian Area.” The study shows that the BMIs (body mass index) of the age group of 46-50 and 51-55 are slightly heavier, that muscular fitness of all the subjects is VERY GOOD; that the body softness level of half the subjects is ORDINARY while the other half is GOOD, and that the cardiorespiratory fitness of the age group of 46-50 is GOOD, while the rest is VERY GOOD. 2. By comparing the average physical fitness performance of firefighters from different working positions, it shows: (a) sub-captains have higher BMI than crew members; (b) crew members do better in one-minute sit-ups and sit-and-bend; (c) sub-captains perform better in three-minute step test. 3. 65.5% of the firefighters have regular exercise behavior, while 34.5% do not. 4. The most common exercising activity that the subjects are engaged in is jogging; the most common freguency of exercising is twice a week; the most common average exercising time is two hours. 5. Because Hsinchu City Fire Bureau attaches great importance to the physical training and arrangements for the overall skills competition, its firefighters’ physical fitness performances in all aspects are excellent.消防人員體適能規律運動行為firefightersphysical fitnessregular exercise behavior新竹市消防人員體適能及規律運動行為之研究Hsinchu City Firefighters’ Physical Fitness and Regular Exercise Behaviors