鄭明憲Cheng, Ming-Hsien尹應明Wan, Ieng-Meng2022-06-072022-02-082022-06-072022https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/aed7f029c53c44dda52c79e45dce889a/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/116406本研究旨在瞭解澳門青少年對日常生活視覺影像的反應。本研究採用質性的多重個案研究,以嵌入式的多重個案設計作為研究個案的分析單位,以澳門水坑尾街和澳門青少年作為研究場域和對象。透過觀察、文件分析、半結構式訪談方式蒐集研究資料。水坑尾街作為研究場域,在實地透過觀察青少年與研究場域中視覺對象物的互動行為,並紀錄研究場域的視覺文化圖像,作為澳門水坑尾街視覺文化的表現。青少年方面對就讀於澳門北區私立學校的23位學生,女生13人,男生10人,以半結構式訪談的方法獲取他們對水坑尾街上的歷史建築影像、商店影像、廣告海報影像、以及城市街道影像的閱讀反應。根據跨個案的比較分析,得出以下研究結果:一、澳門水坑尾街視覺文化強調不同文化和時代象徵物共存的城市景觀澳門水坑尾街的視覺景觀主要延續澳門近代歷史發展,結合中式和葡式視覺文化符號的形象。消費文化為中心的全球化特徵以及缺乏本地人的商業廣告,呈現著後殖民,以及接納和嚮往外來文化的城市景觀。二、文化融合和文化多元的概念反映澳門城市發展的認同當前澳門水坑尾街視覺文化有著以融合外來文化的特性和傾向,當中形成了多重的文化認同。以華文化為主體結合多元文化的生活日常反映當前澳門城市發展的認同和展望。三、澳門水坑尾視覺文化提供青少年對於當前澳門城市論述的依據,並形塑青少年對各類形象的價值判斷觀點,以及生活日常的思考在澳門水坑尾街環境中,青少年能夠以視覺化形式理解澳門城市特色和形象。當前澳門水坑尾街的視覺文化元素形塑其個人獨立的價值觀點,如新與舊、高級與次等,甚至澳門社會議題的批判反思。This study aims to understand the reactions of Macao teenagers to visual images of daily life. In this study, qualitative multiple case study was employed and embedded multiple case design was used as analysis unit. Moreover, Rua do Campo in Macao and Macao teenagers were chosen as the research field and subject. The research data were collected via observation, documentary, and semi-structured interview. In order to demonstrate the teenagers’ visual culture in Macao, not only did the researcher observe the interactions between teenagers and those visual objects in the research field, the researcher also recorded those visual image. Teenagers concerned were thirteen female and ten male students who were studying in private secondary school in the North Area of Macao. Their feelings and reactions of those images of historic buildings, shops, advertisements and streets in Run Do Campo were asked via semi-structured interview. According to the comparison and analysis of cross cases, some finds are emerging from this study:1. The idea of Rua do Campo visual culture emphasizes diverse cultures and the coexistence of city view and the symbol of the times.The visual view of Run do Campo in Macao mainly continues the modern historical development of Macau, combining the images of Chinese and Portuguese visual cultural symbols. The feature of globalisation centred on consumer culture and the lack of commercial advertisement for locals represent a postcolonial city view that contains the acceptance and yearning of foreign cultures.2. The conception of cultural integration and cultural diversity reflects the identity of urban development of Macao.At present, the visual culture of Run do Campo in Macao has the characteristics and tendency of integrated foreign cultures, which has formed multiple cultural identities. The daily life with mainly Chinese culture combined with multiculturalism reflects the recognition and prospect of the current urban development of Macau.3. Rua do Campo visual culture enables teenagers to describe the current status of the city, to judge and think more wisely with different values.In the environment of Run do Campo in Macao, teenagers can understand the characteristics and image of Macao city in a visual approach. The elements of current visual culture of Run do Campo in Macao cultivate teenagers’ unique values such as the new and the old, the superior and the inferior, and even the critical thinking about the social issues in Macao.It is important to take into account the arts education should consider these phenomena for youth from the view points this study stands on.澳門青少年水坑尾街視覺文化MacaoteenagersRua do Campovisual culture澳門青少年對水坑尾街視覺文化影像反應之研究A Study of Macao Teenagers' Respond to Rua do Campo Visual Culture Images