印永翔Ying, Yung-Hsiang朱倩儀Chu, Chien-I2020-10-19不公開2020-10-192020http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0107590147%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/110672乙太網路交換機是網路發展全球化的重要幕後推手,它對於網路的重要性就像齒輪之於發電機。網路對於生活的不可或缺性已經不僅止於休閒,在後工業時代人們不論是工作或娛樂對它的依存度尤其高,加上全球正迎接第五代行動通訊系統 (簡稱:5G)的來臨,資料中心與電信業者在5G世代中扮演著舉足輕重的角色,因此乙太網路交換機與其之關聯性更顯重要。台灣廠商是全球乙太網路交換機主要生產的來源之一,這也代表台灣的製造能力對於全球網路發展的關鍵性。除了現有的代工模式外,白牌乙太網路交換機帶來的破壞性創新商業模式是否在未來能更廣泛被採用,並幫助台灣在電子製造業中地位的鞏固與提升,這是一個值得探討的課題。 本研究採用質性研究中的半結構式訪談目前台灣主要生產乙太網路交換機的製造商,一併來探討乙太網路交換機在5G世代下的商機。主要研究理論架構是以Ylimäki (2014) 最終端客戶與製造商的合作模式為依據,探討乙太網路交換機未來成長可能的發展策略與商業模式。期待此研究可以為台灣乙太網路交換機製造商帶來實用的建議,讓台灣做出其產品特色與價值。Ethernet Switch is the key driver of Internet globalization. Its importance to the Internet globalization is as much as gearwheels to an electricity generator. It is now an indispensable part of our life, not only for work but also for leisure activities. It also plays a vital role in supporting datacenters and telecom operators that are both major players regarding the 5th Generation technology. This study focuses on the business models used by manufacturers in Taiwan, as Taiwan is a main source for manufacturing Ethernet Switch in the world. In additional to the existing OEM and ODM models, this study also looks into the innovative disruption effects brought by the white-box business model. This is to discuss the likelihood for this new business model to become more popular in the near future, and to see if this further helps to promote and stabilize the global status of Taiwan’s manufacturing industry. This study uses semi-structured interview, a qualitative research approach, to discuss the business opportunities of Ethernet switch in the 5G generation. The main theoretical framework used in the study is based on the supplier-customer collaboration on product development as described by Ylimaki (2014). Based on the framework, the study investigates Taiwan’s growth path and business models in the coming years, in order to find practical suggestions that will allow manufacturers in Taiwan to make their mark in the world with high quality and unique Ethernet Switches.乙太網路交換機白牌破壞性創新5G資料中心電信營運商Ethernet SwitchWhite-boxDisruptive Innovation5GDatacenterTelecom Operator成長路徑的抉擇-以乙太網路交換機為例The Choice of Growth Path-The Case of Ethernet Switch