張子超Chang, Tzu-Chau鄭權鑫Jeng, Chuan-Shin2023-12-082025-01-012023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/6ebe2fcd02d164e3507691d08a1e4216/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/121303本研究旨在探討國民小學校長正向美德、行政領導作為與永續發展目標(SDGs)推動情形之現況、差異和相關。以調查研究法針對中部地區六個縣市的公立國民小學校長為研究對象進行調查。研究工具採用正向美德優勢力量表、校園推動永續發展目標(SDGs)量表、校長推動永續發展目標(SDGs)行政領導作為量表,採分層隨機取樣方式,發出383份樣本問卷,回收326份,有效問卷320份,有效回收率為83.6%。問卷資料分析分別以描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析和皮爾森積差相關係數分析等統計方法進行分析。本研究根據研究結果獲得以下結論:一、國民小學校長正向美德整體表現現況為高程度;「心靈超越」層面表現最高,「人道與愛」層面表現最低。二、國民小學校長推動永續發展目標(SDGs)行政領導作為整體表現為高程度;「推動願景與理念」層面表現最高,「社區關係合作與資源鏈結」層面表現最低。三、國民小學校長推動永續發展目標(SDGs)情形整體現況為高程度;目標價值「和平」層面表現最高,「繁榮」層面表現最低。四、不同性別、學歷國民小學校長的正向美德表現有顯著差異。五、不同背景變項之國民小學校長推動永續發展目標(SDGs) 行政領導作為整體表現沒有顯著差異;但不同性別、學歷、學校地理位置國民小學校長分別在五大層面表現各有顯著差異。六、不同性別國民小學校長推動永續發展目標(SDGs) 情形有顯著差異。七、國民小學校長正向美德表現與行政領導作為之間具有中度正相關。八、國民小學校長正向美德表現與推動永續發展目標(SDGs)情形之間具有中度正相關。九、國民小學校長行政領導作為與推動永續發展目標(SDGs)情形之間具有高度正相關。本研究依據上述結論,提出具體建議以供教育主管機關、國民小學校長以及未來研究者作為參考。Aiming at the performance of positive virtue, administrative behavior, and the promotion of sustainable development goals (SDGs), this study is to explore the current situation, differences and correlations among primary school principals. The study focuses on public elementary school principals in six cities and counties in the central region, and quantitative questionnaires are used for the study. The research tools include positive virtue strengths scales (VIA), campus sustainable development goals (SDGs) scales and principals' administrative behavior of promoting sustainable development goals (SDGs) scales. The stratified random sampling method is adopted. A total of 383 questionnaires were sent out and 326 were recovered, with a valid recovery rate of 83.6%, of which 320 were valid questionnaires. Data analysis has been performed by statistical methods such as description statistics, independent samples t-test, one-way ANOVA and Pearson correlation. This study has the following findings: 1.The overall positive virtue performance of primary school principals is at a high level, with" Transcendence of Mind " being the highest while" Humanity and Love " being the lowest. 2.The overall administrative behavior performance of primary school principal in promoting sustainable development goals (SDGs) is at a high level, with " Promoting Vision and Philosophy" being the highest while "Community Cooperation and Resource Links" being the lowest. 3.The overall performance of primary school principals in promoting sustainable development goals (SDGs) is at a high level, with the goal" Peace " being the highest while " Prosperity " being the lowest. 4.There are significant differences in the performance of positive virtue among primary school principals with background variables in gender, educational level. 5.There are no significant differences in the overall performance of administrative behavior among primary school principals with different background variables. There are significant differences individually in five various aspects of performance among primary school principals with different gender, educational level and school geographic locations.6.There are significant differences in the promotion of sustainable development goals (SDGs) among primary school principals with background variables in gender.7.There is a medium - positive correlation between the positive virtue performance and administrative behavior of primary school principals.8.There is a medium-positive correlation between the performance of positive virtue and the promotion of sustainable development goals (SDGs) of primary school principals.9.There is a high-positive correlation between the performance of administrative behavior and the promotion of sustainable development goals (SDGs) of primary school principals.According to the findings made above, this study hopes to provide specific suggestions for education authorities, primary school principals as well as future researchers.正向美德行政領導作為永續發展永續發展目標Positive virtueAdministrative behaviorSustainable developmentSustainable Development Goals (SDGs)國民小學校長正向美德、行政領導作為與永續發展目標(SDGs)推動情形之探究A Study on Promoting Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Positive Virtue Strength, Administrative Behavior of Primary School Principalsetd