國立臺灣師範大學資訊教育研究所張國恩簡聰茂Chang, Kuo-EnChien, Tsung-Mou2014-10-302014-10-301996-01-011017-7124http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/34322本文探討一個矯治學習系統。該系統以情節為導向,矯治直流基本電路之迷失概念。依據精熟學習理論與精確矯治回饋概念構置本系統。因此本系統可謂是精熟學理論在直流電路上的電腦應用實作。經過實測分析,本系統在矯治學習上確有效果。This paper explores the construction of a scenario-based learning system for correcting students' misconceptions in the domain of DC electric circuits. The rationale of this corrective learning system is founded on the theories of mastery learning and elaborated corrective feedback. Our system can be also viewed as a computer implementation of mastery learning theory for the domain of DC electric circuits. The system has been evaluated for effectiveness and the results are positive and encouraging.矯治直流電路迷失概念學習系統Corrective learningMisconceptionMastery learning theoryAnd corrective feedback一個以矯治直流電路中迷失概念為主之學習系統A learning system for correcting misconceptions in DC electric circuits