曾文志2014-10-272014-10-272004-09-?http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/17728本研究使用統合分析(meta-analysis)研究方法,對過去25篇相關學生事務專業工作人員工作滿意度之量化研究,進行整合性分析。研究的目的在 於提出一個總體的概論,解釋與學生事務專業工作人員工作滿意度相關的因素。研究發現,與學生事務專業工作人員工作滿意度相關的因素包含人口屬性特徵、個人 特徵、工作屬性特徵、職位角色的狀態、學校特徵、生涯承諾、工作相關壓力等七個向度。統合分析的結果顯示,與學生事務專業工作人員工作滿意度有最大正向關 聯的因素有個人的領導統馭、工作屬性特徵、以及對生涯的承諾;另一方面,學生事務專業工作人員的工作不滿意度,是與其所經驗的角色不明確、角色衝突和工作 壓力有關聯。根據本文結果,研究者提出實務性建議,期能提升學生事務專業工作人員工作滿意度。In this meta-analytic review, the researcher summarized previous studies by calculating population coefficients for student affairs professionals' job sat-isfaction with its 27 antecedents and two correlates. A total of 42 meta-analyses were carried out from 25 prior studies. Empirical research had examined rela-tionships between student affairs professionals' job satisfaction and demo-graphic characteristics, personal characteristics, job characteristics, role states, institutional characteristics, career commitment, and job-related stress. The meta-analyses revealed that the factors of leadership style, positive job charac-teristics, and higher levels of career commitment were most important con-structive determinants of contributing to student affairs professionals' job satis-faction. The analyses also found that role ambiguity, role conflict and job-related stress inversely correlated with student affairs professionals' job satis-faction. The researcher provided practical implications to improve student af-fairs staff development programs aimed at enhancing job satisfaction based upon the meta-analytic findings. Recommendations included cultivating indi-vidual leadership, creating a positive job environment, increasing a link be-tween staff's career goals and the profession, giving clear and consistent role-related information, and providing staff with methods to manage stressful job conditions.學生事務學生事務專業工作人員工作滿意度統合分析Student affairsStudent affairs professionalsJob satisfactionMeta-analysisA Meta-Analysis of Student Affairs Professionals' Job Satisfaction學生事務專業工作人員工作滿意度相關因素之統合分析