蘇小鳳Shiao-Feng Su2014-10-272014-10-272009-04-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/15659本研究藉由問卷調查及訪談探索大學圖書館館員與使用者對圖書館應用RFID於讀者服務的考量,以瞭解(1)使用者對RFID及圖書館運用RFID的認知與 態度;(2)哪些個人或圖書資訊是使用者重視的隱私;(3)使用者希望圖書館以何種方式保護其隱私;以及(4)圖書館館員與使用者間對於使用者隱私的相關 內容與程度上的認知差異為何。研究結果顯示,大學圖書館員對應用RFID可能造成使用者個人資訊遭蓄意攔截竊取而致影響隱私權已具清楚的認知,並採用精簡 資料的方式作為保護策略,然而大多數學生使用者不清楚RFID的資訊傳輸特性。同學表示重視隱私,不希望RFID晶片中儲存太多個人隱私相關的資料,尤其 是身分證字號、戶籍地址、財務資料以及聯絡電話等。同學盼望圖書館對保護學生隱私的政策多做說明。本研究結果可供圖書館運用RFID-based系統之參 考,降低使用者憂心以及可能對圖書館產生的疑慮,與使用者維持良好關係。Through face to face interviews and a questionnaire survey, the study explores librarians’ and users’ perception of and perspectives on RFID applications and user privacy in academic libraries. The research was directed by the following questions: (1)what are the user’s attitudes towards RFID and RFID applications in academic libraries; (2) what personal information and library records are perceived as privacy by the user; (3) how and to what extent would users expect the library to protect their privacy from being invaded by unauthorized RFID readers; and (4) what are the differences in attitudes toward library user privacy between the librarian and user. The study results show that academic librarians understand that data in an RFID tag on books and ID cards could be subject to involuntary interception, which could lead to the invasion of user privacy. They store minimal data in the tag to protect their users. In contrast, the majority of students are unaware of RFID and its security issues. Students value their information privacy. They request that social security number, residential address, financial data, and telephone number be excluded from the RFID tags on books and ID cards. They also expect that the library provides more detailed information about its privacy policy and protection strategies. The librarian’s awareness of the study results may help academic libraries mitigate the risk of user’s doubt about possible privacy invasion and maintain good library-patron relationship.無線射頻辨識使用者隱私圖書館員態度使用者態度讀者服務大學圖書館RFIDUser privacyLibrarian’s attitudesUser attitudesLibrary public servicesAcademic libraries大學圖書館館員與使用者對隱私與應用RFID之態度Librarians’ and Users’ Attitudes Toward User Privacy and the Application of RFID in Academic Libraries