Christopher S.G. Khoo2014-10-272014-10-272011-10-??亞洲地區的圖書資訊學研究人員不斷追尋西方之領導能力、理念和科技,然而這是否能發展出圖書資訊學的亞洲視野與觀點?而發展此種亞洲品牌又需要什麼呢?本文探討上述相關議題,並透過分析亞洲地區研究者所撰寫之期刊文獻,以了解亞洲地區圖書資訊學之研究實力。本文發現亞洲地區作者對於圖書資訊學研究主要集中在書目計量學、資訊檢索、自動文本分析、資訊與網路技術、學術傳播、教育與知識管理多項領域。The LIS profession and LIS researchers in Asia have been looking to the West for leadership, ideas and technology. Is it possible to develop an Asian vision andperspective of LIS? What is needed for an Asian brand of LIS to develop? The paper discusses these issues as well as reports an analysis of LIS journal articles written by Asian authors, to identify areas of strength in Asian LIS research. It was found that Asian LIS authors publish mainly in the areas of bibliometrics, information retrieval, automatic text analysis, information and Web technologies, scholarly publications, education and knowledge management.圖書館學與資訊科學研究亞洲視野圖書館學與資訊科學Library and Information Science ResearchAsian VisionLibrary and Information Science圖書資訊學研究之亞洲視野Towards an Asian Vision of Libraryand Information Research