康台生 教授史志宏SHYY JYH HORNG2019-09-052006-8-292019-09-052006http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0592631020%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/103294[ 摘 要 ] 本研究為探討臺灣「社區總體營造」發展中之社區視覺形象設計之應用。研究對象;有鑑於臺灣社區營造的各自為政,且對「社區總體營造」的瞭解深淺不一;於是以設立社區輔導、諮詢、整合機構-「社區總體營造促進協會」為主體,並選定台北縣金山鄉、五股鄉兩處具有悠久人文歷史與地方文化產業特色的社區,為此次研究的輔導對象,規畫設計完整的視覺識別形象系統。研究者執行視覺識別形象的開發與導入,期望能藉由視覺形象的導入,建立並凝聚社區居民意識,使社區不但外在景觀上能夠風華再現,精神上能夠建立社區意識,地方產業更能經由專業包裝增益其附加價值,促使社區得到永續經營發展的能量;除了希望能夠保存傳統文化外,並從實際開發過程中,結合地方文化產業,賦予地方新生命,進而觀察社區經營中視覺形象規劃所扮演之角色與功能。 本研究共分四大部分,第一部分「緒言」,首先了解臺灣目前「社區總體營造」發展的重要性與迫切性,接著從社區總體營造結合視覺形象規劃設計策略來探討社區經營。第二部分,從「文獻探討」來認識相關社區概念理論及CIS識別當中視覺識別概念的範疇,導入時機和開發設計完整的作業流程,藉由相關文獻探討作為研究之理論基礎,以利創作研究發展。第三部分是實地調查與訪談,以台北縣金山鄉、五股鄉為例,並從中獲取創作元素、理念,規劃社區視覺形象,以驗證社區發展中加入視覺形象規劃設計策略的重要性。第四部分,提出研究與製作心得,並對社區視覺形象規劃設計的未來發展做一審慎評估,建議於社區發展中,可應用之策略與方向。【Abstract】 The research discovers “communality overall development” to developed and applied the image of visual design. As the research target, it shows the all the communities’ development use to doing their own way, and for the communities overall development has different opinions. Therefore, it established the “communities overall development and promotion association” to guidance and assistance the communities and in consultation from a conformable apparatus. It selects 2 county with humanely and cultural history, which are Jin San Hsiang and Wugu Hsiang in Taipei County. Also it created a fully visual design for communities’ Corporation Identity System (CIS) image. The researcher administers the visual image for the development and lead in, it respects the visual image can lead in into residents mind and build up a strong awakening. For the reason, the community can be restructuring to show the graceful, and the spiritual can alive to a good consciousness. The industries become more accessional worth after the cultural packing. It can keep the community to expand more capacity and better. During the process is to keep the culture and combine the local industries to grow up the community. Also it can see how the role of the visual image’s plans and works changed and its capability. The research comes 4 chapters. The first chapter is abstract, it introduces the important and instant with the communities overall development in Taiwan. Following the community development to combine the visual image design and operate the community’s strategies. The second chapter is using the research study to know more about the Corporation Identity System (CIS) design idea from the community and its culture.It can lead in and developed the ideas to show all the work flows, it bases on the research’s theory and follow their principal. The third chapter is collect the interview and investigated the two counties with Jin San Hsiang and Wugu Hsiang in Taipei County. From these examples, it can find the elements, idea and planning for the community’s visual image. It shows the important from the community development.The fourth, it brings up that what has learn from this study and remind the visual designs’ estimate and strategies should be advisedly more carefully. It advices the community development plans’ applied and ideas.社區社區總體營造視覺形象規劃設計促進協會communitycommunities overall developmentvisual imagecorporation identity system designpromotion association社區視覺形象規劃設計與應用研究─以社區總體營造促進協會為例The research of communality image of visual designs' developed and applied-communities overall development and promotion association