張正田Zhang, Zheng-tian2014-10-272014-10-272012-12-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/19228清代中港保(又稱竹南一保)與苗栗保(又稱竹南二保),在今日造橋鄉境偏中、東側,俗稱「山線」之一部分,本文稱之為清代造橋庄地區,其保界一直未曾釐清,直到劉銘傳來臺要求清賦時,中港保人跟苗栗保人,仍各自認為造橋庄一帶諸庄,係屬於自己的保界內之庄頭,顯見當時已有保界爭議。後到光緒1 3 年( 1 8 8 7),劉銘傳向清廷奏設苗栗縣,兩保人民又發生爭議,苗栗保人認為造橋庄地區當屬苗栗保而該劃入清代新設的苗栗縣內,中港保人則認為其當屬該保而當留在清代新竹縣境內,造成光緒1 5年時竹、苗兩縣縣衙,必須一同到造橋庄一帶勘界,釐清劃界並確認新的縣界。而本文考證出此次光緒1 5 年時竹苗劃界所呈報結果, 在今造橋鄉之東側與三灣鄉南境,仍沒辦法一時釐清楚,此區的竹苗兩縣縣界,須待光緒1 5 年後,才逐漸為竹苗兩縣雙方官府實際運作時逐漸釐清。本文同時考證出作為當時新、苗兩縣劃界重要依據,但今日已不見此地名與當地人歷史記憶的六份仔庄,位於今日之何處。Zhonggan Bao (a. k. a. Zhunan first Bao) and Miaoli Bao (a. k. a. Zhunan second Bao)in the Ch’ing dynasty are proverbially called the Zaoqiao section of the“mountain line,” and the demarcation line between these two hadn’t been clarified until the arrival Ming-chuan Liu, who brought the request to Ch’ingdynasty. But the people from the Baos of Zhonggan and Miaoli still consider the Zaoqiao section as part of their own territories, thus we could see the greatcontroversy existed within the demarcation then. Till 1887, Ming-chuan Liu has proposed to Ch’ing dynasty about the construction of Miaoli county, anddiscords occurred again between people from these two Baos, and people in Miaoli Bao view the Zaoqiao section should remain as part of Xinzhu county,and all above led to the policemen of Xinzhu and Miaoli had to arrive there, then the act of demarcation was finally performed in 1889.According to the result of demarcation marked in 1887 within our research, the boundary between the east of Zaoqiao country and the south of Sanwan country was still un-clarified, and the borderline between Miaoli and Xinzhu has remained unclear after 1887 when the governments of these two counties made it clear within the practical procedure through gradual efforts.清代臺灣清代苗栗縣歷史行政區劃中央地方關係歷史地理六份仔庄苗栗造橋The Period during Ch’ing Dynasty’s TaiwanThe Miaoli County in the Ch’ing DynastyHistorical Administrative DivisionsHistorical Geographyliufenzhi VillageZaoqiao清光緒新竹苗栗兩縣劃界時中港、苗栗兩保保界釐清之空間關係The Defining of the Demarcation Line Between Zhonggan Bao and Miaoli Bao in the Ch’ing Dynasty