陳純音Chen, Chun-Yin陳淑芬Chen, Shu-Fen2019-09-032018-07-312019-09-032018http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060321033L%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/97452本研究旨在探討以中文為母語之兒童對於否定詞「不」和「沒」詮釋的發展。本研究主要包含兩階段的詮釋測驗,兩個測驗皆為接受度測驗:第一階段測驗兒童對於「不」和「沒」在單一否定句及雙重否定句與不同動詞搭配時的接受程度之差異;第二階段觀察語境對於兒童詮釋「不」和「沒」在單一否定句及雙重否定句之影響。兩測驗皆探討年齡效應。研究對象包含實驗組的七十二位兒童,依其就讀年級分為四組:幼兒園大班、小學二年級、四年級、六年級,每組各十八位,以及對照組的成人十八位。 研究結果顯示,對於「不」和「沒」與動詞的搭配,以及否定及雙重否定之習得隨著年齡增長,接受度逐漸與成人趨向一致。在動詞搭配上,對於兒童而言,動作動詞與「不」和「沒」搭配的接受度最高。幼兒園及二年級兒童尚未具備成人母語者的動詞與否定詞搭配之能力,但四年級兒童已可正確搭配動詞與否定詞「不」和「沒」,與成人組相同,皆對於「不」與有界動詞和「沒」與無界動詞的搭配度有較高的接受度。關於單一否定句及雙重否定句,只有六年級兒童,因已進入形式運思期,與成人組相同,皆對於「不」於單一否定句及「沒」於雙重否定具有較高的接受度,較能進行邏輯及抽象思考。最後,語境效應本研究中呈現正面效應,受試者在提供語境的測驗時,對否定句子的接受度普遍皆有提高。The present study aims at investigating children’s acceptability of bu and mei in negative sentences. Two tasks were designed to elicit the subjects’ interpretations. In the first task, the children’ acceptability rates of bu an mei in negatives in isolation were obtained, and in the second task, context was provided to examine whether it would increase children’s acceptability rates of negatives. Age differences were also taken into consideration in the two tasks. A total of seventy-two child subjects were recruited from an elementary school in New Taipei City and they were further divided into four experimental groups (i.e., the kindergartners, Grade 2, Grade 4 and Grade 6). In addition, eighteen adults were recruited as the control group. The results showed there were age differences in the acquisition of bu and mei in negative sentences. It was found that the kindergartners and Grade 2 did not show an adult-like tendency of preference for bu and mei with verb types. However, Grade 4 started to show the adult-like tendency, and they all preferred bu to occur with atelic verbs, mei to accompy telic verbs. As for bu and mei in single and double negative sentences, the results indicated that our subjects had a stronger adult-like preference for bu and mei in negatives when they reached Grade 6, a stage where they could do logical reasoning. Finally, the subjects’ acceptability rates increased when context was provided.否定句「不」「沒」動詞類別第一語言習得negativesbumeiverb typesfirst language acquisition中文否定詞「不」與「沒」之第一語言習得First Language Acquisition of Bu and Mei in Mandarin Chinese