歐陽教教授林佳範教授Jiau,Ou YangChia-Fan Lin劉姝言Shuian,Liou2019-08-282006-7-312019-08-282006http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0887000163%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/90259台灣實施民主的公民教育,面臨的困境為︰以儒家為主的文化建構,與憲政民主的倫理價值相互衝突;上述兩套不同的倫理價值分別呈現在高中公民課程與國文科「中國文化基本教材」。民主國家的教育面臨哪些價值具有正當基礎,哪些價值的傳遞可能有侵犯個體良心自由之虞,價值的教學如何能夠符合民主政治對於個體平等與自由價值的尊重。對於上述教育問題的處理,攸關民主政治能否成熟穩定地實踐。 本研究首先論述分析憲政民主的基礎—自由主義,和儒家政治思想之價值與內涵,由此進行對現行高中公民課程與「中國文化基本教材」之內容分析;並從民主政治哲學和道德社會學,探討公民教育的內涵與本質,釐清公民教育與多元文化教育的界限,作為民主國家價值教育探討之基礎。 研究結果發現,「中國文化基本教材」如實反映儒家德治禮教的基本精神;儒家品格教育的本質是去主體性、他律的道德教育。現行的高中公民課程對於民主政治呈現有限的政治個人主義、斷裂矛盾的憲政邏輯、臣屬的守法概念,以及矛盾的邏輯論證;關於兩套倫理價值衝突的意識薄弱,對傳統道德正面肯定,少有反省;課程中少數處理價值衝突部份,也僅以價值宣揚方式進行,未能切中核心。 本研究嘗試進行課程設計,統整民主政治核心價值、運作原則以及社會科學知識,並發展說理的價值探究,分析與比較不同倫理價值,轉化儒家倫理,達到民主的公民教育是說理的價值教育之目標。In Taiwan, the difficulty in practicing democratic citizenship education lies in the paradox between the cultural construction of Confucianism and the values of Democratic Constitutionalism, which can be found respectively in the following two high school subjects: citizenship education and “Chinese Cultural Core Curriculum” in Chinese. The challenges a democratic country faces are which values have legitimacy to teach, which may violate self-conscious liberties as the values descended, and which are in accordance with the respect of democratic politics for individual equality as well as liberal values. And the solutions to the mentioned determine if democratic politics can be put into practice maturely and steadily. The study herein first alleges and analyzes the basis of Democratic Constitutionalism –Liberalism,and contrast with the contents and values of Confucianism. Hence, the study makes a comparison between the contents of current high school citizenship education and “Chinese Cultural Core Curriculum”, explores the content and essence of citizenship education in light of democratic political philosophy and sociology of morals, and clarifies the difference between citizenship education and multicultural education as a foundation of the study in value education of a democratic country. As revealed in the study, “Chinese Cultural Core Curriculum” truly reflects the spirit of morality leadership and propriety education in Confucianism, for the essence of character education in Confucianism is a kind of moral education, which is desubjective and not self-disciplined. Notwithstanding, current citizenship education in high school does not fully abide by political individualism, resulting in fragmental and contradictory Constitutionalism logics, subordinate concepts of obedience, and paradoxical logical reasoning. Moreover, the awareness about the conflict of the two ethic values is still weak. With a positive attitude towards the traditional virtue and without reflection, the curriculum seldom deals with the value conflict or cuts into the core, but merely develops its scheme by means of praising value. The study, trying to perform curriculum design, integrate the core value and the fundamentals of democratic politics, and the knowledge of social science, develop the values of reasoning, analyze and compare the difference of ethic values, and transform ethic in Confucianism, is aimed at realizing the notion that democratic citizenship education is a kind of reasonable value education.自由主義儒家倫理道德社會學公民教育價值教育LiberalismConfucianismSociology of MoralsCitizenship educationValue education民主的公民教育再台灣實施困境之研究--論高中公民課程與國文科「中國文化基本教材」之倫理價值衝突Study of the Difficulty in Practicing Democratic Citizenship Education in Taiwan -Study of the Difficulty in Practicing Democratic Citizenship Education in Taiwan -