汝明麗Ju, Ming-Li林妤倩Lin, Yu-Chien2022-06-082024-04-032022-06-082022https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/5bddf4085c9d775f28baa0db66ee5abd/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/118084知識習得會直接影響口譯員的表現,Chang 等 (2018) 調查專業口譯員的會議準備和知識習得過程。本研究旨在延續Chang 等之研究,並將重點放在口譯學生於課堂內外習得知識的過程;有助於知識習得的教學方式,以及對知識習得的看法和感知效益,試圖剖析知識習得對於學生專業發展與學習的意義。本研究採取半結構訪談法,訪問 24 位口譯組一到三年級的學生,並以質性方式分析訪談資料。研究結果顯示大部分的受訪者認為知識習得很重要。在受訓過程中,教師扮演舉足輕重的角色,為形塑學生「學習如何學習」的重要因素。教師講解為課堂中主要的知識來源,而教師挑選之主題也會影響口譯學生自主學習的方向。另一方面,學生也會透過和同儕準備一同摸索課堂準備的方式。而當課堂準備技巧愈來愈純熟,學生也會由團體準備轉為獨自準備。整體而言,碩一至碩三口譯學生在學習課堂準備時符合自我調整學習者的特徵,他們會不斷試驗準備方式,並透過課堂練習、教師反饋觀察自己是否需要調整準備方式,使課堂準備更為全面。透過課堂練習,學生體認到終身學習能力為最重要的知識子能力,其次則為準知識能力。然而,碩二課堂尤其繁重,口譯學生較無暇實踐終身學習,而是在碩三後才有餘裕以自己的步調學習。當學生知道可以怎麼學習,他們更容易發展終身學習的態度。在完成受訓後,口譯學生普遍認為習得大量知識,且即便面對知識困難,學生也會試圖調整學習心態、尋求教師或專家的協助面對難題。口譯學生在訓練中亦體認到知識學無止盡。在修完課後,口譯學生最大的收穫之一為不論未來職涯選擇為何,在口譯所習得的終身學習習慣皆對他們大有裨益。期望本研究能夠對口譯教學有幫助,並鼓勵口譯學生持續充實自我,做到終身學習。Knowledge acquisition is critical for an interpreter's performance. While existing research has addressed the importance of knowledge acquisition in the professional interpreting community, little is known on how student interpreters acquire knowledge on their journey to becoming professionals. Built on research by Chang et al. (2018), which interviewed 10 professional interpreters on their knowledge acquisition and conference preparation practices, this study attempts to shed light on the student interpreters’ perception and practices of knowledge acquisition, their sense of self-efficacy and teaching methods that they consider instrumental to their knowledge acquisition. To this end, this study utilized semi-structured interviews with 24 conference interpreting students from three graduate-level translation& interpreting institutes in Taiwan. The results of this study suggest that interpreting students generally consider knowledge acquisition indispensable in interpreter training. Teachers, in particular, play a key role in assisting their students in “learning how to learn.” For example, a teacher's instructional explanation is the most important element in fostering the student’s learning process in the classroom, with the materials provided by teachers shaping how the student can apply the learning techniques in their self-directed learning later on. Student interpreters also come to realize that gaining new knowledge is a never-ending journey for interpreters, aspiring or established. Student interpreters generally believe that the they will benefit from the lifelong learning habits they pick up in the two-year training program regardless of the career path they choose to embark on upon graduation. The findings of this study have practical implications for interpreting educators in terms of providing guidance for their students’ knowledge acquisition endeavors, thus encouraging them to become self-regulated lifelong learners.知識習得口譯教學課堂準備口譯學生Knowledge AcquisitionInterpreter TrainingClass PreparationStudent Interpreters口譯學生的知識習得過程初探An Exploratory Study on Student Interpreters' Knowledge Acquisition Process學術論文