吳正己Wu, Cheng-Chih賴婉玥Lai, Wan-Yueh2019-08-292018-09-302019-08-292018http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060408004E%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92747我國即將實施之十二年國民教育「科技」科目課綱,以運算思維為主軸,並 涵蓋人工智慧學習內容。本研究依據 Kolb 體驗式學習循環設計教學流程,並以 聊天機器人為素材,設計教材以幫助學生學習人工智慧概念,並培養運算思維能 力。設計之教材,包括「問答聊天機器人」、「關鍵字聊天機器人」、及「學習 式聊天機器人」等三個單元,學習內容包含課綱的「演算法」以及「資料表示、 處理及分析」等學習主題‧教材評估是以北部某公立高中之 86 名高二社會組學 生為對象,進行教學實驗,評估所設計之教材對學生學習成就、態度與運算思維 之影響。 研究結果發現,本研究所發展的體驗式聊天機器人教材能有效幫助學生學習,提升學生學習電腦科學及人工智慧的興趣,以及提升學生運算思維能力。然而學生雖然能在學習單上展現正確的運算思維思考歷程,但學生要透過程式設計呈現其思考後的結果是有困難的,其原因可能在學生對於語法結構的不熟悉,建議未來類似之教材應加強程式語法說明,此外也建議未來能研究透過其他工具、軟體來教導高中生人工智慧,及研究選擇合適的運算思維能力之評量工具。A new secondary school (grades 7 to 12) computing curriculum will be implemented in Taiwan in 2019. Artificial intelligent (AI) is among one of the new learning contents in this curriculum. It is essential to develop learning activities to help students learn AI concepts at the present stage. This study intends to design learning activities of Chatbot for high school students to learn AI concepts, as well as algorithm and data representation of computational thinking (CT). The learning activities include three units: question and answer Chatbot, key-word Chatbot, and learning Chatbot. It is expected the learning activities could improve students’ achievement and attitudes toward learning AI concepts, as well as enhance their CT skills. Through our study, we found the learning material we elaborated do activate and improve the students on learning AI and computational thinking. In addition, we also found that CT was correlated with programming in our research. In the future, this study is looking forward to setting as a direction for computing curriculum in high school.人工智慧聊天機器人運算思維artificial intelligentChatbotcomputational thinking以聊天機器人實作培養學生運算思維Using Chat-bot to help students learn Artificial Intelligence and Computational Thinking