官英華Ying-Hua Gua2020-09-032020-09-032020-03-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/109012本研究以中文母語的高階日語學習者為研究對象,探索語音處理對文章理解和字詞辨識的影響。透過實驗在5 個閱讀條件下(語音抑制、逐字朗讀、聽不相干語音、聽文章語音以及安靜閱讀)比較了受試者的閱讀表現、整體性和詞層次的眼動模式。此外,研究也檢視文章難度是否影響受試者在閱讀日文文章時處理語音的傾向。藉由分析受試者在詞層次的眼動行為來檢視中文知識如何影響他們處理以不同字體書寫的日語詞彙。實驗結果顯示受試者不太需要依賴語音轉碼即可理解日文短文:語音抑制和聽不相干語音並未妨礙閱讀理解,而逐字朗讀以及聽文章語音並不能提升閱讀理解。除了在逐字朗讀的情況下,文章難度並不影響受試者在其他閱讀條件下語音處理的傾向。在字詞處理方面,受試者的中文知識僅促進他們處理中日同源詞,並無法促進他們處理中日文間的同形異義詞或僅在日語裡使用的漢字詞。聽文章語音傾向只有利於處理平假名或片假名的字詞,但會延長對中日同源詞的注視時間,此結果指向語音轉碼在提取中日同源詞的意義時,可能並非必要的過程,但對處理以平假名或片假名書寫的字詞較為重要。This study explored the effects of phonological processing on text comprehension and word processing in a group ofadvanced Chinese students learning Japanese-as-a-foreign-language (JFL). Participants’ reading performance and global- andword-level eye-movement patterns were compared under five reading conditions: articulatory suppression, read-aloud,concurrent reading while listening to the text or to an irrelevant speech, and silent reading. In addition, the study examinedwhether text complexity moderates participants’ phonological processing when reading Japanese text. Finally, howparticipants’ Chinese knowledge affects their processing of Japanese words written in different script types was investigatedthrough analysis of their word-level eye-movement behavior. The results indicated that participants could comprehend shortJapanese texts without relying much on phonological recoding: Articulatory suppression and reading while listening to anirrelevant speech did not significantly impair reading comprehension nor did read-aloud and reading while listening to thetext enhance text comprehension. Text complexity did not reliably moderate participants’ phonological processing under thereading conditions. The word processing results showed that participants’ Chinese knowledge facilitated their processing ofChinese-Japanese cognates (i.e., kanji existing both in Chinese and Japanese with the same meanings) but not the processingof Chinese-Japanese homographs or Japanese-coined kanji words. The fact that reading while listening to the text tended toonly facilitate the processing of kana words but not the Chinese-Japanese cognates suggests that phonological recoding mightnot be necessary for accessing the Chinese–Japanese cognates’ meanings but is essential for the processing of words writtenin kana.外語閱讀眼動追蹤語音處理線性混合模型Eye-trackingForeign language readingLinear mixed modelsPhonological processing探索語音處理對外語閱讀的影響:一個針對中文母語者閱讀日語為外語的眼動研究Exploring the Effects of Phonological Processing onForeign-Language Reading: An Eye-Tracking Studyfor Chinese Learners ofJapanese-as-a-Foreign-Language