游 光 昭Kuang-Chao Yu顏銘宏Ming-Hung Yen2019-09-032006-8-12019-09-032006http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0693710341%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/96722本研究旨在運用電腦模擬式教學來達到技能學習的目的,並分析不同個人特質與能力的學習者,在電腦模擬學習與技能實作表現上的情形,以作為學校或學生在技能訓練與教學運用上的參考。 本研究透過文獻探討歸納有關模擬式教學系統的設計原則、焊接技能的概念與重要操作步驟、以及將會造成學習者在技能模擬學習與實作差異的個人能力或特質,作為「技能模擬學習系統」規劃與實驗設計的重要參考依據。此外,本研究亦以所探討的各項因素評量工具(團體嵌圖測驗、空間能力測驗、威廉斯創造力測驗以及電腦素養問卷),對北市某公立高職冷凍科兩班共79位學生完成其認知型態、空間能力、創造力與電腦素養等影響因素之施測,與為期四週的技能模擬學習。 在經由相關的資料整理與統計徑路分析後,得到如下影響技能模擬學習與技能實作表現的關鍵性因素。 1.學習者的電腦素養會直接影響技能模擬學習成效 2.學習者的認知型態與空間能力會透過電腦素養間接影響技能模擬 學習成效 3.學習者的空間能力及技能模擬學習成效會直接影響技能實作表現 4.學習者的電腦素養會透過技能模擬學習成效間接影響實作表現 5.學習者的認知型態會透過空間能力間接影響實作表現 6.學習者的創造力不會影響技能模擬學習成效與技能實作表現The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors that could influence the performance of technical skills through the computer simulation constructed by this study. The result of this study can be used as a reference for providing proper skill training in vocational schools. A literature review was conducted to help the researcher identifying the processes of constructing the computer simulation system. Two classes of 79 industrial vocational high school students, from 16 to 17 years old, were invited to participate this study. Group Embedded Figures Test, Spatial ability test, Williams’ Creativity Assessment Packet test, and computer literacy test were given to those students before they get to learn in the computer simulation programs. The tests scores were used to analyze student’s congenital abilities that influence the performance of skill simulation and hands-on activities. After the data collection and analysis, the results of this study include: 1.The performance of computer simulation was influenced directly by students’ computer literacy. 2.Students’ cognitive style and spatial ability can indirectly influence their skill performance through computer simulation. 3.Students’ skill performance was directly influenced by their spatial abilities and computer simulation. 4.Skill performance can be influenced indirectly by student’s computer literacy through the computer simulation. 5.Skill performance was influenced by students’ cognitive style through spatial ability. 6.It was found that students’ creativity would not influence their performance in computer simulation and hands-on skill.電腦模擬創造力空間能力認知型態電腦素養computer simulationspatial abilitycreativitycomputer literacycognitive style影響技能模擬學習成效因素之研究Study of factors influencing the performance of computer simulation on skill training