李佩怡劉懿嫺2019-08-28不公開2019-08-282009http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0694010516%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/90929本研究係為研究者四年碩士生涯中,經歷之「生離死別」為主軸的生命故事,透過自我敘說的方式呈現。這是研究者生命陷入谷底的階段,也是生命轉化與生命成長的階段,而這整個生命成長的歷程,亦即容格所述朝向「個體化」的歷程。 在自我敘說的研究歷程中,研究者重新理解與觀看自我,發現在經歷生離死別的連續撞擊後,自我崩裂了,但卻也從裂縫中,看見個人內在生命的愛與光,最後,決心走向「以世界在我之內的眼光,看見與收復自身陰影,朝向合一道路」的修行。這越來越朝向誠實面對自己的態度,反應在研究者朝向自我敘說的旅程,而收復自身陰影朝向生命合一的愛,所帶來的療癒、力量與體會,也反映在個人專業的成長與轉變上。在自我敘說歷程中,研究者體悟「助人專業,是陪伴生命的專業」,唯有當助人者能夠回歸與經驗自身的生命,誠實面對自身的內在時,才能收復陰影與療癒自己,並從中真正瞭解與學習如何對待與陪伴生命,進而真實朝向專業與生命的合一,穿越助人者的角色,活出我的靈魂。In the research, the researcher use self-narrative way to arrange the life story in four-year Master's degree career. The principal axis of the life story is mainly about separation between loved ones in life or death. For the researcher, this is a phase of sinkink in the low valley of my life, and it was also a phase of life transformation and life maturity. The whole phase was Jung’s so-called “individuation” process. In the self-narrative research process, the researcher recomprehend and review my self. I find that the self was disintegrated by the continuous impact of separation between loved ones in life or death. But I also find love and glory of inner Self from the fractures in self. And then from this, finally, I decided to use the sight of “my heart is an epitome of the world” as my practice in life to view and reown my own shadow. And this is a path towards wholeness. The attitude of facing up to myself honestly is also reflected in the researcher's journey towards self-narrative. Reowning my own shadow towards wholeness also leads me to healing, strength, and appreciation from experiences. Those changes were also simultaneously reflected in the growth and transformation of my professional career. In the process of the research, researcher realized that the profession of helping is to keep company with others’ beings. Only when a helping professional who can return and experience his being and can simultaneously face his inner being honestly, he can reown his shadow and healing himself. And then he can really realize and learn that how to care and keep company with others’ beings. Furthermore, he can really integrate the profession and his being into one further, and then simultaneously live his soul instead of his role of a helper.自我敘說生命故事陰影生命成長生命轉化個體化self-narrativelife storyshadowlife maturitylife transformationindividuation生命的裂縫看見光:準諮商心理師生命成長的自我敘說Seeing the Inner Self Glory from Fractures in self:a Self-narrative of a Prospective Counseling Psychologist’s Life Maturity