蕭惠云2019-09-052004-7-302019-09-052004http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22N2004000184%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/106950無論是動態評量或是傳統靜態評量,當試題量不夠充足時,試題的曝光便可能威脅測驗結果的正確性。尤其圖形測驗編製過程不易,產生新試題相當耗時費力,所以試題之安全性特別受到重視。另一方面,近來風行於教育界的建構主義運用在電腦輔助教學中,能使電腦科技在促進學習或發展心智功能的角色上發揮得更為淋漓盡致。 基於上述二者,本研究以圖形測驗為內容,結合能解決試題曝光問題的虛擬題庫,以及具建構主義特色的互動式提示,運用於動態評量的中介系統及練習式電腦輔助教學系統上。針對此研究主旨,設計一套「互動式提示虛擬題庫中介練習系統」,並進行實際施測以評估其可行性。 研究結果發現:(1)以「互動式提示虛擬題庫中介練習系統」做練習,有助於增進受試者推理能力的發揮,且較無提供提示之紙筆練習有效。(2)在評估受試者於圖形推理的學習潛能方面,「互動式提示虛擬題庫中介練習系統」雖然可行,但評估對象僅限於圖形推理能力為中等的受試者;當受試者於中介練習時所接受的提示量愈少,表示其愈具有圖形推理方面的學習潛能Virtual item bank is one of the methods to solve the problem of item exposure in figural tests. Whether in dynamic assessment or traditional static assessment, item exposure may threaten the exactness of test result when the quantity of items is not sufficient. Especially in figural tests, to generate new items will cost lots of manpower, budget, and time, therefore the security of these items is more important. Moreover, interactive-hint is attributed to constructivism. To make use of constructivism in Computer Assisted Instruction(CAI) may bring the computer technology into full play on promoting learning or developing mental function. Base on what we mentioned above, the purpose of this research is to combine virtual item bank and interactive-hint to apply in the intervention system of dynamic assessment and drill-and-practice CAI system. Therefore, the “Interactive-Hint Intervention Practice System with Virtual Item Bank” is developed and estimated for this purpose. The results of this research were as follows: (1) For promoting the extent of bringing examinee’s ability on reasoning into full play: practicing with “Interactive-Hint Intervention Practice System with Virtual Item Bank” is helpful and more affective than practicing on the form of paper-and-pencil in which there is no hints offered. (2) For estimating the learning latent capacity of the examinee: “Interactive-Hint Intervention Practice System with Virtual Item Bank” is useful for the middle-grade examinees. The examinee who takes less hints on the process of intervention has greater learning latent capacity on inference.虛擬題庫動態評量練習式電腦輔助教學互動式提示圖形測驗Virtual Item BankInteractive-HintDynamic Assessmentdrill-and-practice CAIFigural Tes互動式提示虛擬題庫中介練習系統之設計與評估An Interactive-Hint Intervention Practice System with Virtual Item Bank── Design and Evaluation