李瑛陳穗婷Chen,Sui-Ting2019-08-29不公開2019-08-292014http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0699020229%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92486本研究目的在於從媒體素養教育觀點探究家庭中親子共視的經驗。從瞭解親不同背景親代媒體素養表現,到親代媒體素養表現與其親子共視經驗的特色,以及分析親代所採取的共視策略差異,並依研究結果對相關單位提出建議。採質性研究方法,對八位不同背景親代的親子共視經驗進行探究,以「深度訪談」為主要收集資料方式,輔以「問卷」填寫,收集受訪者相關背景資料、與子女共視情形以及媒體素養表現,發現與建議如下: 一、 研究發現 (一)教育程度較高及職業為專業人員之親代,媒體素養整體表現較高。 (二)在媒體素養的七大層面,表現高與表現中等的親代,凸顯下列特性: (1) 媒體素養表現高的親代較具有自主能力去分辨、選擇、評估媒體及其內容,較能夠穿透媒體迷障,具備「釋放」(liberating)和「賦權」(empowerment)的能力。 (2) 媒體素養表現中等的親代較易受電視內容影響與接受主流文化價值觀,對於媒體再現、潛藏的意識形態意義以及商業因素等知覺較低。 (三)不論親代媒體素養表現高低,親子共視有三個共同看法,包含陪伴、與孩子互動與分享、培養共同話題。 (四)媒體素養整體表現高之親代,共視類型屬於討論型;媒體素養整體表現中等之親代則屬於限制型。 (五)在媒體素養七大層面的共視策略上,媒體素養表現高與中等的親代,凸顯下列特性:(1)媒體素養表現高之親代,在共視策略使用上會採多元觀點與價值澄清的策略。 (2)媒體素養表現中等之親代,在共視策略的使用上較無具體策略。 (六)媒體素養表現高之親代在運用共視策略時,會善用「鷹架」構築的概念,以及價值澄清之方式,讓兒童反思與抉擇。媒體素養表現中等之親代,則較不會考量到兒童的認知發展,並傾向以灌輸主流價值之方式來形塑兒童之行為。 二、參照研究發現對相關教育單位、電視機構、家庭以及未來研究提出建議。The purpose of this study was to explore the parents-children co-viewing experience from the perspective of media literacy education. Suggestions would be made for relevant units according to the research results, which were derived from the analysis on the parental media literacy presentation of different backgrounds, the characteristics of parents-children co-viewing experience, as well as the analysis on co-viewing strategy differences of parental generations. Qualitative research method was adopted to explore eight parents - children co-viewing from different backgrounds; and the “in-depth interviews” supplemented by “questionnaires” were adopted to collect the information of interviewees’ relevant backgrounds, parents - children co-viewing situation and media literacy performance, then following findings and suggestions are obtained: I. Research Findings 1. The parental generations with high educational background and professional career had high performance in media literacy. 2. According to seven dimensions of media literacy, the parental generations with high or medium performance particularly had following features: 2.1 The parental generations with high performance usually distinguished, selected and evaluated the media confusion and its contents on their own initiatives, which helped them to penetrate media and possess the capacities of “liberating” and “empowerment”. 2.2 The parental generations with medium performance were susceptible to TV content and easy to accept the mainstream cultural values, and had low perception to media representation, the meaning of potential ideology and business factors, etc. 3. Regardless of the media literacy performance of parental generations, there were three common opinions on parents - children co-viewing -- companion, interaction and sharing with children and fostering common topics. 4. The parental generations with high performance belonged to discussion type of co-viewing; while the parental generations with medium performance belonged to restrictive type. 5. According to seven co-viewing strategy of media literacy, the parental generations with high or medium performance particularly had following features: 5.1 The parental generations with high performance adopted co-viewing strategy in multiple perspective and value clarification. 5.2 The parental generations with medium performance had no specific strategy in co-viewing strategy. 6. The parental generations with high performance took advantage of “Scaffolding Theory” as well as value clarification method in co-viewing strategy for children’s reflection and choice. While the parental generations with medium performance had little concern about children’s cognitive development and tended to shape children’s behaviors through the method of infusing mainstream value. II. Suggestions were put forward for relevant education units, television institutions, families and future researches according to the research findings.親子共視共視類型共視策略媒體素養媒體素養教育parents - children co-viewingco-viewing typeco-viewing strategymedia literacymedia literacy education家庭中的媒體素養教育---親子共視經驗之研究