張孝裕2014-10-272014-10-271990-06-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/17446教育部國語推行委員會為了簡化、統一國語「一字多音」的字音。這項「一字多音」計分為「正讀、又讀」「語音、讀音」和「岐音異義」三類。  首先把常用字表4808字與次常字表6341字中,有這三類的字選出,再按國語辭典、中文大辭典、中文辭源等十四種書中把這些字音錄出,作為審定的參考。  本文只就「語音、讀音」部分整理所得119字提出討論。One of the objectives for the establishment of the Mandarin Promotion Committee of the Ministry of Education is to standardize the pronunciation of Chinese characters with multiple pronunciations. Characters with more than one pronunciation can be divided into three cate-gories: (1) characters with a standard pronunciation and a different but generally used pronun-ciation, (2) characters with different pronunciations for speaking and reading purposes, and (3) characters with the same form carrying different meanings according to different pronuncia-tions. Exactly 4,808 characters were drawn from "The Commonly Used Standard Chinese Word List" and another 6,341 characters from "The Less Commonly Used Standard Chinese Word List". Characters of all these three categories were included. Examples of their pronunciation were taken out from fourteen reference books, such as Mandarin Dictionary, Chinese Diction-ary, and The Origin of Chinese Characters. This article only presents a preliminary finding which discusses the 119 characters with pronunciation for speaking and reading purposes.國語語音讀音國語「語音」與「讀音」的整理An Investigation of Mandarin Pronunciation for Speaking and Reading Purposes