陳李綢 博士李珮瑄2019-08-282005-7-202019-08-282005http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G00T1012010%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/90492摘 要 本研究旨在編製「國中生同儕互動心理需求量表」,探討國中生個人背景變項、家庭背景變項,及自我覺知之家庭氣氛與人際關係,在同儕互動心理需求上的差異情形。研究者依據Maslow需求層次理論和Schutz人際需求論編製研究工具,選取臺北市、臺北縣和苗栗縣共十三所國中的一至三年級學生為研究對象,共計1583人,以問卷調查法進行資料蒐集,根據受試者在研究工具的反應建立男、女生百分等級常模,進行統計分析後顯示本量表具良好之信度與效度,並獲得下述結論: 一、國中生同儕互動心理需求不因學生所在地區之不同而有差異。 二、三年級學生在生理、安全、自尊、自我實現和全量表之心理需求顯著高於一、二年級,但並未發現依年級遞增而增加心理需求的情況。 三、不同性別的國中生在五個分量表和全量表均達顯著差異,研究結果顯示女生之心理需求高於男生。 四、國中生的同儕互動心理需求不因出生序之不同而有差異。 五、父親教育程度在安全、愛與隸屬感、自尊、自我實現需求和全量表達到顯著差異,但生理需求並未達到顯著差異;母親教育程度在五個分量表和全量表均達顯著差異。研究結果顯示父母教育程度較高者(特別是高中和大學教育程度),子女同儕互動心理需求較高,並有助其追求較高層次之心理需求。 六、父親管教態度在愛與隸屬感、自尊、自我實現需求和全量表達到顯著差異;母親管教態度在安全、愛與隸屬感、自尊、自我實現需求和全量表達到顯著差異。研究結果顯示父母民主之管教態度對子女在愛與隸屬感需求、自尊需求和全量表的影響,顯著優於放任之管教者,但父母管教態度對子女同儕互動生理需求均未達顯著差異。 七、國中生自我覺知之家庭氣氛和人際關係,在五個分量表和全量表均達顯著差異。研究結果顯示自覺良好家庭氣氛和自覺良好人際關係的國中生,其同儕互動心理需求最高,且「良好」家庭氣氛顯著高於「普通」和「不好」者;人際關係「良好」顯著高於「普通」、人際關係「普通」又顯著高於「不好」。Abstract This study aims at compiling the “scale of junior high school students’ psychological needs in terms of peer interaction”. It discusses the variable of individual background, the variable of family background, the family atmosphere and human relationship that one is aware of, and the differences on their psychological needs of peer interaction. The researcher produces the tool of research according to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and the interpersonal needs theory of Schutz. The researcher chooses altogether 1583 students from Grade 1 to Grade 3 in 13 junior high schools in the city of Taipei, the county of Taipei and the county of Miaoli as the objects of research. The questionnaire investigation is used for data collection. According to the different reactions from the examinees on the tool of research, the norm of percentile ranks for both boy students and girl students is established. Through statistics and analysis, it is proved that this scale is credited with good reliability and validity. Thus the following conclusions can be drawn: 1. The junior high school students’ psychological needs regarding peer interaction do not vary according to the different areas of the students. 2. The physiological needs, safety needs, esteem needs and self-actualization needs and the psychological needs in the full scale of the Grade 3 students are obviously higher than those of Grade 1 and Grade 2 students. But it has not been found that the psychological needs increase by degrees as the grade adds. 3. The junior high school students of different sexes have obvious differences in the five branch scales and the full scale. It is found that the psychological needs of the female students are higher than the male students. 4. The junior high school students’ psychological needs regarding peer interaction do not vary with the differences of birth order. 5. The education level of the fathers has obvious differences on the safety needs, belongingness and love needs, esteem needs, self-actualization needs and full scale, but does not have obvious differences in physiological needs. The education level of the mothers has obvious differences in the five branch scales and the full scale. The research results show that the higher the education level of the parents (especially the high school and university graduation level), the higher the peer interaction psychological needs of the students. And higher education level helps students have a higher level of psychological needs. 6. The management attitude of the fathers have obvious differences on the belongingness and love needs, esteem needs, self-actualization needs and full scale; the management attitude of the mothers have obvious differences on the safety needs, belongingness and love needs, esteem needs, self-actualization needs and full scale. The research results show that the democratic management attitude of the parents have obviously better effects than permissive management attitude on belongingness and love needs, esteem needs, self-actualization needs and full scale. Nevertheless, the management attitude of the parents does not have obvious differences on the peer interaction physiological needs of the students. 7. The self-aware family atmosphere and human relationship of the junior high school students have obvious differences in the five branch scales and the full scale. The research result shows that a good family atmosphere and human relationship of the junior high school students have the highest peer interaction psychological needs. Students with “good” family atmosphere have obviously higher psychological needs than “common” or “bad” ones; students with “good” human relationships have obviously higher psychological needs than the “common” ones, and students with “common” human relationships have obviously higher psychological needs than the “bad” ones.同儕互動心理需求教育程度管教態度家庭氣氛人際關係peer interactionpsychological needseducation levelmanagement attitudefamily atmospherehuman relationship國中生同儕互動心理需求及其與人際互動相關研究