張國恩宋曜廷林哲緯Jhe-Wei Lin2019-08-292011-8-32019-08-292011http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0696080137%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/93003本研究提出一個混成式行動導覽系統,以答題方式和展物相關知識做結合,引導參訪者參觀博物館內的特定展區,並採用專案方式來紀錄參訪者於手持行動載具及後端網頁的操作行為,根據相關學習歷程資料的分析結果來瞭解參訪者的學習行為狀況。本研究欲探討其與傳統的混成式導覽設計對於參訪者與展物之間的互動情形、學習動機與學習成效上的差異。實驗於國立歷史博物館進行,對象為網路開放報名的大專院校學生共六十名,實驗組分為混成式行動導覽組以及紙本學習單導覽組,控制組則是徒手來進行參訪,每組各二十名學生。本研究於實驗過程中收集各個參訪者的錄影資料、前後測詴卷以及問卷調查之資料,分析三組參訪者與展物的互動、學習動機與行為、知識提升之成效。實驗結果顯示,混成式行動導覽系統更助於提升參訪者在參訪歷程中的專著性與學習動機,並且在知識成效之提升方陎也達到顯著差異。This study developed a blended-based mobile electronic guide system using the problems about exhibitions to conduct visitors in the museum, and record the data of visitors’ operation on website with the project-based research. According to analysis of relevant data describe visitors’ learning behavior. We investigated the difference of the blended-based electronic guidebook and traditional guiding designs about the interaction between visitors and exhibitions, and visitors’ learning motivation and learning effect. The Experiment was progressed in the National Museum of History. The participants included three classes of college students those registration on the internet. There are two experiment group: the group using blended-based electronic guidebook and the group with traditional Navigation. The control group visited through the traditional paper guidebook. This study collected every visitors’ video record, the pre-test and the post-test, and the questionnaire about their visiting experiences. We used these data to analyze the interaction between visitors and exhibitions, and visitors’ learning effect. The result showed the blended-based mobile electronic guidebook was useful for engaging visitors’ concentration and learning motivation, and also was significant difference in the learning effect.行動導覽混成式學習問題導向學習Action navigationBlended learningProblem based learning混成式行動導覽系統之設計與應用-以國立歷史博物館為例Design and Application of a blended-based mobile electronic guidebook ─ A case study of National Museum of History