王鶴森蔡季瑄TSAI,CHI-SYUAN2019-09-052014-8-232019-09-052011http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0097303103%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/105231目的:探討8週彼拉提斯運動介入對女性更年期症狀困擾之影響。方法:受試者為60名自願參與本研究之更年期女性,平均年齡49.2 ± 3.3歲,隨機分為實驗組及對照組各30名。實驗組施以每週三次,每次60分鐘的彼拉提斯運動,對照組完全不介入任何的運動,實驗期間所有受試者亦皆未接受任何醫學治療。實驗共為期8週,並於實驗前、後記錄受試者的更年期症狀困擾量表(包含:心血管及自主神經症狀、骨關節症狀、泌尿症狀、生殖症狀、心理精神症狀)及軀幹等長肌耐力測試,所得資料以混合設計二因子變異數分析檢驗運動介入的效果。結果:經混合設計二因子變異數分析,發現在更年期五大症狀中除生殖症狀外,其餘之四大症狀及軀幹等長肌耐力之交互作用皆達顯著 (p<.05)。實驗組在運動介入後之心血管及自主神經症狀、骨關節症狀、泌尿症狀及心理精神症狀之平均分數均顯著低於控制組 (心血管及自主神經症狀:4.77 ± 3.48分vs.7.87 ± 4.76分;骨關節症狀:1.47 ± 1.00分vs. 3.57 ± 1.90分;泌尿症狀:2.80 ± 2.32分vs. 5.03 ± 3.13分;心理精神症狀:9.03 ± 6.60分vs.14.43 ± 8.51分) (p<.05);另外,實驗組之腹肌及背肌等長肌耐力亦顯著優於控制組(腹肌等長肌耐力:53.80 ± 36.5秒 vs. 33.90 ± 28.23秒;背肌等長肌耐力:(66.20 ± 40.03秒vs. 45.83 ± 33.34秒) (p<.05)。結論:8週彼拉提斯運動可以有效改善更年期女性之軀幹等長肌耐力,同時亦可有效改善除生殖症狀外的更年期症狀。Objective: To investigate the effects of 8-week Pilates’s exercise intervention on climacteric symptoms in perimenopausal women. Methods: 60 perimenopausal women were recruited in this study (mean age 49.2 ±3.3 years). The participants were randomized to either an intervention group (IG; n=30) or a control group (CG; n=30). The IG received an 8-week Pilates’s intervention (3 times per week for 60 minutes); the CG did not. Climacteric symptoms and isometric endurance of trunk muscles were recorded before and after experiment period. Results: A significant mixed design ANOVA interaction was found for cardiovascular symptoms (CS), autonomic nervous symptoms (ANS), bone and joint symptoms (BJS), urinary symptoms (US), psychological symptoms (PS) and isometric endurance of trunk muscles (IETS) (p<.05) but not for reproductive symptoms. The IG showed significantly lower scores on CS, ANS, BJS, US, and PS after intervention compared to the CG (p<.05). In addition, The IG also showed significantly increased isometric endurance of trunk muscles than the CG (p<.05). Conclusion: An 8-week Pilates’s exercise intervention can effectively improve climacteric symptoms and increase isometric endurance of trunk muscles in perimenopausal women.停經核心肌群泌尿症狀menopausecore musclesurinary symptoms彼拉提斯運動介入對女性更年期症狀及軀幹等長肌耐力之影響Effects of Pilates exercise on climacteric symptoms and isometric endurance of trunk muscles in perimenopausal women