葉國樑曾治乾Gwo-Liang YehChie-Chien Tseng賴育群Yu-Chun Lai2019-08-282014-7-42019-08-282013http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0599051101%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/87816本研究之主要目的在運用健康信念模式與自我效能理論來探討國中生學校午餐後潔牙行為現況及其相關因素。研究母群體為101學年度就讀於桃園縣某國中之全體學生,以分層集束抽樣法,於三個年級中各抽出四個班為樣本,進行自填式問卷施測,共得有效樣本391人,研究之重要結果如下: 一、 研究對象大多數過去都曾有過齲齒的經驗,佔82.1%。而由於剛換恆牙,所以大多數人目前尚無罹患齲齒(80.8%)。 二、 研究對象之「自覺齲齒罹患性」、「自覺餐後潔牙行為利益性」、「自覺齲齒嚴重性」認知偏中上程度;「自覺餐後潔牙行為障礙性」認知偏中下程度。 三、 研究對象接觸過之「餐後潔牙行為行動線索」狀況偏低,以「我曾經因為牙齒相關問題,去看過牙醫」的比率最高(88.5%),「學校(國中)的同學曾提醒我要進行餐後潔牙行為」的比率最低(5.1%),且母親提醒的比例高於父親。 四、 研究對象之「餐後潔牙行為自我效能」、「餐後潔牙行為意圖」程度屬中間偏低。 五、 女生的「自覺齲齒嚴重性」認知高於男生;過去有齲齒經驗的研究對象其「自覺齲齒罹患性」認知與「自覺餐後潔牙行為障礙性」認知均高於過去無齲齒經驗的研究對象;現在有齲齒的研究對象其「自覺齲齒罹患性」認知高於現在無齲齒的研究對象。 六、 「性別」、「過去齲齒經驗」、「自覺齲齒罹患性認知」、「自覺餐後潔牙行為利益性認知」、「自覺餐後潔牙行為障礙性認知」、「餐後潔牙行為行動線索」、「餐後潔牙行為自我效能」與餐後潔牙行為意圖有顯著預測力,此七項變項對於餐後潔牙行為意圖變異量之解釋力為29.3%。The purpose of this study is to employ the Health Belief Model and Self-Efficacy Theory to explore the teeth-cleaning behavior after school lunch in junior high school students, and to investigate the relationship between the behavior and certain related factors. The subjects of this study were slected from 7th to 9th graders by stratified cluster sampling method. From each grade, four classes were chosen and the data were collected through structured questionnaires. Total vaild samples were 391. The results of this research is shown as follows: 1. Most of the participants have had the experiences of dental caries (82.1%). But the majority of the participants do not have dental caries (80.8%) currently for they’ve just had their permanent teeth. 2. The participants’ perception of “perceived susceptibitlity of dental caries” , “perceived benefits of after-meal-tooth-cleaning behavior” and “perceived severity of dental caries” tend to be above the average; and “perceived barriers of after-meal-tooth-cleaning behavior” tends to be below the average. 3. Among the questions of the behavioral clues of after-meal-teeth-cleaning behavior, “I went to the dentist for the tooth problems” is the highest (88.5%); the question “classmates’ reminding” is the lowest (5.1%). Besides, in respect of parental reminding, mother’s reminding was more frequent than father’s. 4. The participants’ degree of “self-efficacy of after-meal-teeth-cleaning behavior” and “after-meal-teeth-cleaning behavior intention” tends to be below the average. 5. Regarding the gender of the participants, girl’s cognition of perceived susceptibility of dental caries is higher than boy’s. The cognition of perceived susceptibility of students with dental caries experiences is higher than those without dental caries experiences. The cognition of perceived barriers of after-meal-tooth-cleaning behavior of students with dental caries experiences is higher than those without dental caries experiences. 6. Gender, past experience of dental caries, perceived susceptibility of dental caries, perceived benefits of after-meal-tooth-cleaning behavior, perceived barriers of after-meal-tooth-cleaning behavior, cues to action of after-meal-tooth-cleaning behavior and self-efficacy of after-meal-teeth-cleaning behavior, and the intention of after-meal-tooth-cleaning behavior explain 29.3% of participants’ decision to preventive after-meal-tooth-cleaning behavior.餐後潔牙行為健康信念模式自我效能國中學生after-meal-tooth-cleaning behaviorHealth Belief ModelSelf-effecacyjunior high school students國中學生學校午餐後潔牙行為及相關因素研究—以桃園縣某國中為例A Study on Teeth-Cleaning Behavior after School Lunch and the Related Factors for One Junior High School in Taoyuan City