國立臺灣師範大學國文學系林香薇2015-11-172015-11-172008-01-011684-7652http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/75362本文以路寒袖的臺語詩集《春天花蕊》為範圍,探討該書的用韻和用字。用韻部份,先是確認押韻規則,歸納該書押韻的類型;其次與其他閩南語民間文學相比,找出在用韻的寬嚴、換韻頻率與韻腳的種類上有何異同;並討論韻腳通用的常例與特例。用字部份,針對幾個發音不同,但表示的概念相同或相近的例子,來探索詩人選用漢字的觀念;再以幾個臺語特有詞為例,分析詩人對臺語漢字類型的選用;最後從音字系統性的角度來觀察他的用字系統。This article explores the rhyme and Chinese Character Use in Lu Han-Xiu’s Taiwanese Poem Chun1-thinn1-E5-Hue1-Lui2. As for the rhyme, I first looked at Lu’s inductive rhyme patterns in terms of the standard scheme of possible metric-foot patterns. Next, I compared Lu’s poems with Taiwanese folklore literature in terms of “loose” and “strict” rhyming, changing rhyme frequency, and categories of metric-foot patterns. Then I compared the standard metric foot pattern with Lu’s special type of alternating rhymes. As for character use, I focused on different pronunciations of the same concept or similar concept to understand Lu’s opinion of Chinese characters. I then collected the Taiwanese characters used in Lu’s poems and analyzed his choices of Taiwanese character patterns. Finally, from the standpoint of the poet’s character-sound system, I elucidated his character system.用韻用字音字系統性臺語詩RhymingCharacter useCharacter-sound systemTaiwanese poetryTaiwanese characters論路寒袖臺語詩《春天个花蕊》的用韻與用字A Study of the Rhyme and Chinese Character Use in Lu Han-Xiu's Taiwanese Poem Chun1-thinn1-E5-Hue1-Lui2