黃長福Chen-Fu Huang高俊雄Jyun-syong Gao2019-09-052013-7-242019-09-052013http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0699300409%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/105870研究目的:探討不同層級的大專劍道選手在打擊面部、手部、腹部動作過程的差異與打擊速度相關性生物力學分析。方法:研究對象為大專甲組劍道選手、乙組劍道選手各八名的健康男性(甲組:平均年齡21.5±1.2歲、身高171.0±4.0 cm、體重67.5±11.9 kg;乙組:平均年齡21.1±4.0歲、身高173.6±11.9 cm、體重68.5±2.1 kg),使用10台Vicon motion system MX紅外線高速攝影機擷取參數。資料處裡以Vicon Nexus軟體分析選手下蹲期、上舉期、揮擊期的運動學與動力學參數,使用無母數獨立樣本曼-惠特尼U考驗(Mann-Whitney U Test)來進行差異性統計分析及無母數斯皮爾曼等級檢定(Spearman Rank Correlation)進行相關分析,顯著水準設為α=.05。結果:甲組選手有較短的打擊時間及較快的劍尖揮擊速度,而在打擊過程中重心的上下位移甲組明顯小於乙組。上舉期上肢關節角度部分,甲組在左右手的肩關節有較大的前屈,在腕關節乙組選手有較大的屈曲。下肢關節部分,乙組在膝、踝關節的屈曲角度大於甲組。左腕尺屈角速度與打擊速度有正相關。著地的垂直地面反作用力的大小與打擊速度呈現正相關。結論:甲組選手在面部打擊竹劍上舉時能以較小的腕、肘關節變化角度且肩關節能以較大的前屈角度來做打擊,而相較於手部打擊則有較小的肩關節前屈角度;腹部打擊甲組選手有更快的關節旋轉的角速度以產生較快的揮擊速度,且揮擊的方式是以水平方式擊出。甲組的打擊方式主要可以縮短打擊的距離,也能減少整體攻擊的時間,且有較好的攻擊速度,能在正式比賽中更佔優勢。Purpose : Invesgate the kinematic differences between two levels of university male kendoka in men& kote & do attack. Methods : Eight collegiate 1st level(First) kendoka and eight collegiate 2st level kendoka(Second) participated in this study. (1st level kendoka: 21.5±1.2 years , 171.0±4.0 cm, 67.5±11.9 kg; 2st level kendoka: 21.1±4.0 years, 173.6±11.9 cm, 68.5±2.1 kg). A 3D ten cameras motion analysis system (Vicon MX13+) were used to collect human kinematic data.Vicon Nexus software was used to analyze the kinematic of kendoka during men attack. The Mann-Whitney U Test was to test the difference between two group and Spearman Rank Correlation. Significant level was set at α=.05 in study. Results : First exhibited short attack time and faster attack velocity, and smaller vertical displacement center of mass(COM) displacement than Second. The First have greater shoulder angle but smaller wrist angle than the Second at hold up phase. The First have a greater hip flexion angle than the Second. However, the Second have a greater knee flextion angle than the Frist at hold up phase. Attack velocity was highly related to ground reaction force Conclusion : First utilizd greater shoulder flextion and minor wrist flextion angle to men attack in the Shinai hold up. First have minor shoulder angle in Kote attack Shinai hold up. First have greater ulnar flexion angle velocity is key determinant of Kendo attack. Therefore it has reducing attack time.生物力學劍道關節角度尺屈BiomechanicsKendojoint angleulnar flexion大專劍道選手打擊生物力學分析Biomechanics analysis of collegiate kendoka in Kendo attack