羅祥妤張正芬Hsiang-Yu LoChen-Fan Chang2016-05-062016-05-062014-03-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/78472本研究採個案研究,探討一位國小四年級亞斯伯格症資優生(化名小探),以「部分學科跳級」方案,到國一接受生物科學習的學校生活樣貌。研究結果發現:1.提升小探自我實現與參與團體課程的學習動機。2.重新檢視及再訓練小探基本學習能力與策略。3.小探在國小同儕心中形成正向觀感。4.國中教師難以在生物課程進行中,解決及促進小探的人際發展。5.小探的資優特質因為行為干擾而被消極否定,教師對於身障資優生的要求缺乏信心。最後,提出具體建議供未來相關實務工作之參考。This research adopted the case study, one kind of the qualitative methods, investigated a gifted fourth grader with Asperger syndrome (Hsiao-Tan as assumed name). By participating Partial Acceleration Program using higher-level curricular materials, Hsiao-Tan took seventh grade Biology course. The research findings are as follows : (a) The acceleration experiences increased Hsiao-Tan engagement and motivation in self-realization and group work. (b) Hsiao-Tan learned the basic learning skills and strategies which never learned before. (c) Hsiao-Tan obtained more positive perception from his elementary school classmates and improved relationship with peers than before. (d) The short-term Partial Acceleration Program might not be effective at encouraging the interpersonal relationship between Hsiao-Tan and older peers. (f) Thenegative behaviors of Hsiao-Tan were easily observed, frustrated his teachers who cannot fully understand the twice-exceptional students. Finally, substantial suggestions for future studies and relative practice are proposed.亞斯伯格症身障資優加速制提早選修個案研究Asperger syndrometwice-exceptionalaccelerationpartial accelerationcase study動身、啟程,國小與國中交錯的生活─一位參與加速制亞斯伯格資優生的學校適應The School Adaptation of a Gifted Student with Asperger Syndrome Who Participated in Acceleration Program