方進隆Chin-Lung Fang劉俊佑Chin-Yu Liu2019-09-052010-7-152019-09-052010http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0595041207%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/105383本研究的目的是針對國立秀水高工九十八學年度在學一般學生30位及輕度智能障礙學生30位,合計60位男學生為研究對象,平均年齡16.45歲,平均身高169.75公分,平均體重67.66公斤。以三軸向身體活動量測量器(RT3)比較以下差異:一、在校期間身體活動量及運動強度;二、在校課間時間身體活動量及運動強度;三、在校體育課身體活動量及運動強度。以獨立樣本t考驗方式研究所得結果如下:一、在校期間兩組身體活動量並沒有顯著的差異,在運動強度部分一般學生組在重度運動強度時間上顯著高於輕度智能障礙組男學生。二、在校課間期間兩組身體活動量並沒有達到顯著的差異,在運動強度部分一般學生組在中度運動強度時間顯著高於輕度智能障礙組。三、在體育課期間身體活動量,一般學生組顯著高於輕度智能障礙組男學生,在運動強度部分一般學生組在重度運動時間顯著高於輕度智能障礙學生組,在久坐時間則顯著低於輕度智能障礙學生組。The purposes of this study were to compare the physical activity (PA) and physical activity intensity (PAI) at school between normal students (NS) and mild mental retardated students (MMRS).There were 30 normal students and 30 mild mental retardated students of National Shiou Shuei Senior Industrial Vocational High School (NSSIVS) at 2010 acadmic years. The average age, highth and weight of the subjects were 16.5 years old, 169.8 cm and 67.7 kg, respectively. The RT3 TRI-AXIAL accelerometer (RT3) was applied to measure the PA and PAI of the subjects in total school time, in break time of school, and in Physical Education ( PE) classes. The collected data were analzed with independent t-test and the result as followed: 1. The PA during the school time between NS and MMRS were not sighificantly different. However, the PAI of NS was significantly higher than that of MMRS. 2. The PA during the school break time between NS and MMRS were not sighificantly different. However, the moderated intensity of PA of NS was sighificantly highty than that of MMRS. 3.The PA and PAI during PE class of NS were sighificantly than that of MMRS. The sedentary time during PE class of the MMRS was sighificantly higher than that of NS. The NS have higher PA and PAI during PE class.輕度智能障礙男生身體活動量運動強度三軸向身體活動量測量器mild mental retardation studentsphysical activityphysical activity intensityRT3 TRI-AXIAL accelerometer高職學生與輕度智能障礙學生身體活動量與運動強度之比較研究-以國立秀水高工為例The Comparative Study of Physical Activity and Activity Intensity between Normal Studernts and Mild Mental Retardated Students - The Case Study of NSSIVS