李恆儒Lee, Heng-Ju詹白蓮Chan, Pai-Lien2023-12-082027-09-122023-12-082022https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/1e9b0b1e255a9f1ffe0b4d5aef9d6558/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/118690臺灣於民國108 年底人口數達到最高峰的2,360.31 萬。但自109 年起底人口數首度呈現負成長,主要原因為每年“出生率”下降及“死亡人數”增加所致;少子化、高齡化、都市化和高教化社會現象己成形。但因戰後嬰兒潮現象,導致121 年開始出現年死亡人口的高峰期,延續至149 年死亡數達最高峰33.6 萬人,對殯葬產業及市場經濟將產生巨大的影響。業者面對客戶端的殯葬規模簡化、死亡人口增加、停殯時間縮短、宗族影響力低的社會衝擊及平權社會、多元社會、同性社會、單親家庭與寵物家庭等不同型態的社會組織興起,對於傳統殯葬禮俗執行是全新的挑戰,加上政府推行環保自然(多元)葬政策,削弱了產業的經濟規模。殯葬業者基於永續經營的目標,勢必要有新的創新經營作法。本論文即在為產業新挑戰找出創新方法,以對未來喪葬整體發展提供建言。歸納出:行銷模式、商業模式與服務模式等三個創新可行方向的結論。依此提出建議:(一)強化心輔能力、提升產業價值;(二)推展墓園觀光、創造地區文創;(三)創新寵物殯葬、發展新興商機;(四)自主生前契約、符合時代需求;(五)數位殯葬產業、提升服務效能;(六)深化生命教育、延續慎終追遠。“生命服務”,不是在完成一場圓滿的奠禮,也不是打造一座美麗的塔墓。而是當親人逝去時,反而提醒在世的人要勇於面對死亡,用温馨替代悲傷,用追思取代遺憾。檢視逝去親友在世時留給的記憶典範,來反思珍惜生命的可貴。Taiwan's population peaked at 23,603,100 in 2019. Since 2010, the population has shown negative growth for the first time. The peak period of the annual death population, due to the baby boom phenomenon after the war, began in 2032 and continued until 2060, when 336,000 deaths were recorded, 1.8 times that of 2020. Industry and market economy will have a considerable impact. The funeral industry has undergone successive transformations in line with government regulations and management in the past two decades. However, the industry faces the social impact of the simplification of the funeral scale, the increase of the dead population, the shortened time for the funeral, and the low influence of the clan; in addition, different types of social organizations such as an affirmative society, a pluralistic society, a same-sex society, single-parent families and pet families. The rise is a new challenge to the implementation of traditional funeral customs. In addition, to maximize land use,the government has changed from the early burial policy to cremation tower burial.Further, it promotes environmentally friendly and natural (multiple) burials towards good useof land resources. Although effective in some counties and cities, this policy has not onlyweakened the economic scale of the industry but also challenged the core values of traditional culture and religion. Therefore, based on the goal of sustainable operation, the funeral industry is bound to have new and innovative management practices to accept the challenges of the times.The research direction of this paper is to find innovative methods for the new challengesof the industry, using the"document analysis" method of the indirect research type and the "case investigation" method of the direct research type to research virtual and authentic materials, with a view to the theme. The discussion could be more rigorous. Finally, the results of "objective observation, rational description, reasonable explanation, and correct prediction" can be obtained to provide a reference value for the overall development of the funeral industry in the future. Through the above discussion and sorting, three possibledirections are summarized: marketing model innovation, business model innovation, andservice model innovation. Based on this, some humble opinions are put forward for reference:(1) Strengthen the ability of heart support and enhance the value of the industry; (2) Promotecemetery sightseeing and create regional cultural and creative; (3) Innovate pet funerals anddevelop new business opportunities; (4) Independence Contract before death, in line with the needs of the times; (5) Digital funeral industry, improve service efficiency; (6) Deepen lifeeducation, continue to be cautious and pursue the future. The above discussion is expected to bring some thinking directions for the industry in the transformation process."Life service" is not to complete a successful laying ceremony or build a beautiful tower tomb. Instead, when a loved one passes away, it reminds the living people to face death bravely, replace sadness with warmth, and replace regret with remembrance. Reflect on the preciousness of cherishing life by examining the paradigms of memory left by deceased relatives and friends while they were alive.殯葬生前契約禮儀環保自然葬墓園FuneralLiving contractEtiquetteEnvironmental protection natural burialCemetery臺灣人口變遷對未來殯葬產業發展之探討Discussion on the future development of funeral industry from Taiwan's population changeetd